Noon-4:00 PM
First Hour – News/Politics
Democrats and media exploiting heartbreaking photo of dead border crossing dad and daughter to attack Trump for “border crisis”, but earlier this year mocked Trump for “manufacturing a crisis”.
Joe Biden writes op-ed trashing Trump for doing exact same thing he and Obama did regarding illegal alien detentions.
Op-ed factually exposes the 2020 Democrat’s dishonest hypocrisy for calling Trump’s immigration policies “racist”.
Op-ed from Rabbi ripping AOC for calling ICE detention centers “concentration camps”.
Democrats subpoena of Mueller to testify could totally backfire on them.
Rest of the Bob Dutko Show……
I discussed the Presbyterian Church USA ordaining a “non-binary” gendered minister and explained Biblically why dressing as the opposite sex is actually dishonoring to God.
I responded to a listener’s e-mail criticizing me for supporting President Trump.
Guest Interview: Becky Kopitzke to discuss her book “The Cranky Mom Fix: How to Get a Happier, More Peaceful Home by Slaying the “Momster” in All of Us”.
Guest Interview: Allie Anderson to discuss her book “Unscrambling the Millennial Paradox: Why the Unreachables May Be Key to the Next Great Awakening”.
Other Issues Discussed…..
With July 4th coming up, I started a series on the censored true Christian heritage of America.
Enjoy your talk show. Thanks! Did you recently discuss a black Democrat that praised Trump for $ savings that the media didn’t cover?