Noon-4:00 PM
First Hour – News/Politics
Bernie Sanders says Boston terrorist bomber should be allowed to vote.
Kamala Harris agrees with murderers/rapists possibly voting.
I examined just how radical and extreme today’s Democratic Party has become in so many areas.
House Democrats issue subpoena
to former White House Counsel McGahn.
Ex-Trump attorney refutes Mueller Report claim that Trump told Don McGahn to
fire Mueller.
Rest of the Bob Dutko Show……
I explained how America started the tradition of prayer before all Congressional sessions with Benjamin Franklin’s words.
Guest Interview: Matt Brown to discuss his book “Truth Plus Love: The Jesus Way to Influence”.
Guest Interview: Dr. Greg Lanier, Bible Scholar and author of “A Christian’s Pocket Guide to How We Got the Bible: Old and New Testament Canon and Text”.
Open Line Topic: We discussed professional sports teams now banning Kate Smith’s iconic “God Bless America” rendition because of the discovery that she sang some songs back in the 1930s that had some racist lyrics.