Noon-4:00 PM
First Hour – News/Politics
Cherokee Nation issues statement criticizing Elizabeth Warren’s “DNA test” claims.
Nolte op-ed exposing the biggest lies the media is telling while trying to defend Elizabeth “Pocahontas” Warren.
Trump says we shouldn’t assume Saudi Arabia “guilty until proven innocent” in journalists murder.
Rest of the Bob Dutko Show……
I continued my “Apologetics 101 Refresher Course” series, to day discussing the efforts by scientists to create “life” (unsuccessfully).
Guest Interview: Professor of Christian Ethics Dr. Scott B. Rae to discuss his latest book “Moral Choices: An Introduction to Ethics – Fourth Edition”.
Guest Interview: Greg Kadlub to discuss his book “Where is My Peace in Today’s World, as Promised by Jesus?”
Open Line Topic: We had another installment of “Bible Questions Day” with Steve Gregg, host of “The Narrow Path” radio show, taking listener calls about the Bible.