Noon-4:00 PM
First Hour – News/Politics
I analyzed all the details from yesterday’s Primary election results, including the Michigan Governor and Senate Primaries, the Ohio special election and what yesterday’s results say about this November’s Midterms.
Ohio Green Party candidate serves as spoiler for Democrats….and he says his parents are space aliens (no joke).
Actress and liberal activist Alyssa Milano blames the Ohio Democrat election loss on “Russian meddling”.
Ipsos Poll: 43% of Republicans want Trump to have power to shut down certain media.
Media ignore Florida massacre stopped from a good guy with a gun.
Black conservative group slams New York Times for hiring anti-white racist.
Even if you’re not an Alex Jones fan, social media’s banning of him is scary.
Facebook bans Alex Jones, but keeps Antifa, Louis Farrakhan.
Rest of the Bob Dutko Show……
Media ignore Florida massacre stopped from a good guy with a gun.
California billboards advertising Greg Laurie event ordered pulled because he was holding a Bible.
Chinese government cracking down more on Christians and house churches.
Guest Interview: Dr. Janet B. Dean and Dr. Michael Lastoria to discuss their book “Listening to Sexual Minorities: A Study of Faith and Sexual Identity on Christian College Campuses”.
Guest Interview: Cameron Cole, who lost his 3 year old son, to discuss his book “Therefore I Have Hope”.
Other Issues Discussed….
I responded to and picked apart o nasty op-ed in the New York Times attacking the Christianity of Vice President Mike Pence.