Noon-4:00 PM
First Hour – News/Politics
House narrowly passes $4 Trillion budget.
FEC complaint claims Hillary Campaign violated campaign finance laws.
POTUS rips Hillary for funding Dossier, says Russia “hoax is turned around”.
Obama’s FBI agreed to join Hillary and DNC in paying for Dossier dirt on Trump right before the election?
Remember when media had a cow over Don Jr. agreeing to a meeting hoping to get dirt on Hillary?
Wikileaks Founder Julian Assange says he has “absolute proof” it was not the Russians who gave him leaked DNC e-mails.
Stats show that is really IS Democrats, not Republicans who are the Washington obstructionists.
MSNBC guest says voter ID laws make it “sort of impossible” for blacks to vote.
Rest of the Bob Dutko Show…..
I continued my pre-Halloween series on the Paranormal with a discussion on UFOs and space aliens.
Guest Interview: NFL great Burgess Owens to discuss his opposition to the National Anthem kneelers and his support, as an African American for President Trump and conservatism.
Guest Interview: Professor of Psychology Dr. Mark R. McMinn, author of “The Science of Virtue” to discuss how various positive virtues can connect science and the Bible.
Other Issues Discussed…..
I continued my pre-Halloween series on the Paranormal by discussing Psychics, Fortune Telling and Nostradamus.