Noon – 4:00 PM
First Hour – News & Politics
Trump doubles down, says his “fire and fury” comments about North Korea were “not tough enough”.
Bill Clinton in 1993 tough talked North Korea, saying they attacked the U.S. “it would be the end of their country as they know it”.
Great op-ed about how Democrats don’t mind when Democrat Presidents like Bill Clinton and Harry Truman use tough “bombastic” language against our enemies.
Trump suggests McConnell may need to step down is he can’t get conservative legislation passed, tells him “get back to work”.
Believe it or not, the deck is stacked in favor of Republicans for 2018 election.
Computer experts conclude to The Nation the DNC hacking was an “inside job”, not the Russians.
Rest of the Show…….
I discussed and examined a report that Hillary Clinton is considering becoming a Methodist Preacher.
Guest Interview: Colonel John Eidsmoe, author of “Historical and Theological Foundations of Law”.
Movie Reviews: Rod Gustafson of to discuss what’s happening in the movies this weekend from a family friendly, Christian friendly perspective.
A Christian Look at Sports: Anthony “Vito” Faletti and Brandon Woods of Sports Fan Radio.
Weekly Show Recap
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