Noon-4:00 PM
First Hour – News/Politics
Trump slams media for fake news report of his supposed “secret, undisclosed, second meeting” with Putin at G-20 Summit.
Trump says it’s time to “let Obamacare fail”.
RINO Republican Senator Capito killed Obamacare repeal….but voted to repeal in 2015.
Trump allows 3 month extension of Iran deal.
House Freedom Caucus Chairman says next spending Bill must fund Trump’s border wall, or they government will shut down.
ABC, NBC, CNN call Alliance Defending Freedom (Christian legal version of ACLU) a “hate group”.
News Hour Guest Interview: Communications Director Craig Bannister to discuss what happens next regarding the GOP’s inability to repeal Obamacare.
Rest of the Bob Dutko Show…..
Research study says Shroud of Turin blood contains “nanoparticles” consistent with torture.
Evangelical leader Eugene Peterson retracts statement affirming support for gay marriage.
Guest Interview: John Perritt, author of “What Would Judas Do?” to discuss the life and betrayal of Judas.
Guest Interview: Pastor Rick Bezet, author of “Real Love in an Angry World: How to Stick to Your Convictions Without Alienating People”.
Open Line Topic: We discussed tomorrow’s parole hearing for O.J. Simpson and whether it would be morally and ethically right for the Parole Board to deny him parole for no reason other than the fact that Simpson got away with double murder.