Bob Dutko Show Summary – Tuesday 06 – 06 – 17

Noon-4:00 PM

First Hour – News/Politics

NSA Contractor accused of leaking Classified info.

NSA leaker appears to be a hard core anti-Trump liberal.

London’s Muslim Mayor says London is the “safest city in the world”.

Republican controlled Congress running out of time to get agenda done.

Should James Comey have any credibility?

Op-ed on why Justice Ginsberg should recuse herself from the Trump Travel Ban case.

Rest of the Bob Dutko Show…..

I continued a series on “Apologetics 101”, giving practical advice and tips on how to begin accumulating knowledge on how to defend our faith.

Guest Interview: #1 New York Times Best Selling author Eric Metaxas to discuss his latest book “If You Can Keep It: The Forgotten Promise of American Liberty”.

Guest Interview: Retired Marine Captain Richard Dolezal, author of “The Fourth Vow” to discuss how the ACLU and others have been re-writing American history and eroding freedoms and liberties.

Other Issues Discussed…..

I examined atheism and why so many “smart” scientists are actually willing to be atheists.

California Senate passes Bill to allow a 3rd Gender on State ID’s and Driver’s Licenses.

Open Line Topic: We discussed Ontario, Canada’s new Law that allows the government to take away the children of parents who deny their child’s “right” to their own “gender identity” or “gender expression”.

One thought on “Bob Dutko Show Summary – Tuesday 06 – 06 – 17

  1. Chris Higgins

    Hi Bob,
    I was only able to catch part of your show today. I was wondering if you could repeat the quote made by Justice Kagan regarding free speech. I was stunned by her remark. Or if you could, email me the info.
    Thank you
    I really enjoy your program. I learn a lot.
    Keep up the great work you do to defend the faith and keep us informed.
    Sincerely Chris Higgins

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