Noon-4:00 PM
First Hour – News/Politics
An examination of Trump’s Cabinet.
Trump’s Inauguration ceremony to include and “Interfaith” prayer service.
Trump successfully gets Boeing CEO to lower cost of new Air Force Ones.
North Carolina Legislature leaves law intact that allows businesses to deny transgender bathroom policy.
News Hour Guest Interview: National Security expert Lt. Colonel Bob Maginnis (Ret) to discuss the latest on the German Christmas Market terrorist attack.
Rest of the Bob Dutko Show…..
Guest Interview: Historian William Federer to discuss the history of how the Bishop of Myra has slowly morphed into today’s “Santa Claus”.
Other Issues Discussed…..
Prince Charles encourages Brits to think about Christ……and Muhammed during Christmas.
Guest Interview: Esther Fleece, author of “No More Faking Fine: Ending the Pretending”.
Open Line Topic: We discussed whether Christians should give Christian themed gifts to non-Christians for Christmas, or whether that actually ends up being counter-productive.