Noon-4:00 PM
First Hour – News/Politics
I analyzed, simplified and explained in detail the Republican Convention voting process, gave predictions for the remaining primaries and delegate counts and what it will take for Trump or Cruz to win.
Bernie Sanders and Hillary Clinton taking off the gloves in attacking each other.
California raids home and seizes property from Planned Parenthood sting video maker.
Rest of the Bob Dutko Show…..
Guest Interview: Messianic Jewish Rabbi Eric Walker, author of “The Codist” to discuss the wave of Muslim immigration into the U.S. over the last few years.
Other Issues Discussed…..
Time Magazine runs anti-porn cover story……with erotic, soft porn images.
Research study attempts to claim Christians don’t use the analytical parts of our brains by believing in God.
Guest Interview: George Gilder, Founding Fellow of the Discovery Institute and author of “The Scandal of Money” to discuss the state of money in the U.S. today.
Other Issues Discussed……
Paypal pulls 400 jobs from North Carolina because of new law falsely called anti-LGBT.
I gave Biblical evidence that Jesus really did make clear that he was God.