Noon-4:00 PM
First Hour – News/Politics
Obama administration finally declares ISIS “genocide” against Christians.
Will Republicans stand firm against Obama’s SCOTUS nominee?
Fox News cancels debate after Trump refuses to attend.
Jimmy Kimmel video shows how people clueless about the SCOTUS nominee will still confidently offer opinions.
News Hour Guest Interview: Chris Gacek with Family Research Council to discuss President Obama’s Supreme Court pick.
Rest of the Bob Dutko Show…..
Guest Interview: Pastor Jamie Snyder, author of “Like Jesus: Shattering Our False Images of the Real Christ”.
Other Issues Discussed…..
I shared the history of the real St. Patrick as well as some of the details of how and when I first got into radio.
Guest interview: Bible Prophecy expert Dr. Gary Frazier, author of “Miracle of Israel: The Shocking Untold Story of God’s Love For His People”.
Open Line Topic: We discussed the new movie “The Young Messiah”.