Noon-4:00 PM
First Hour – News/Politics
NAACP Chapter president Rachel Dolezal
Dallas police association criticizes CNN anchor’s “flippant non-apology” for her calling police shooter “brave and courageous”.
Under pressure, CNN anchor finally apologizes.
Op-Ed about “racial identity”.
Revealed: Ronald Reagan carried his own gun while president.
Poll: 68% feel “safer” living in neighborhood with gun owners.
ISIS tweets home address of Pam Geller with “Go Forth”.
News Hour Guest Interview: Pastor Steve Smothermon to discuss the Defend Marriage Petition.
Rest of the Bob Dutko Show…..
Open Line Topic: We discussed the case of former NAACP Chapter president Rachel Dolezal and the difference between “transgender” and “trans-racial”.
Other Issues Discussed….
I gave an update on our “Props to Cops” campaign and discussed the unique challenges law enforcement has to face.
Op-ed on lessons from Canada about U.S. going pro-gay marriage.
ISIS fighter accepts Christ after Jesus appeared to him in dreams.
Guest Interview: Dr. Janet Maccaro, Ph.D. In Holistic Nutrition to take calls from listeners about natural remedies for any health related issues.