Bob Dutko Show Summary – Tuesday 04 – 14 – 15

Noon-4:00 PM

First Hour – News/Politics

Marco Rubio announces presidential run.

Main pros for Marco Rubio.

Hillary vows to protect Americans from the 1%, while being funded by by the 1%.

Time Magazine: Hillary Clinton “Perfect age to be President”.

Top 20% pay 84% of Federal taxes. Bottom 20% get PAID by government.

CNN touts Obamacare figures.

Iran wins a seat on the U.N. Women’s Rights Council.

News Hour Guest Interview: Cornell Law Professor Bill Jacobson to discuss Marco Rubio entering the presidential race.

Rest of the Bob Dutko Show…..

Guest Interview: Alisa Kaplan, author of “Still Room For Hope” to discuss her faith in Christ and recovery from being gang raped.

Additional Issues Discussed…..

I discussed today being the 150th anniversary of the shooting of Abraham Lincoln.

I also continued my Anchoring Your Faith Series, today discussing navigating different aspects of Social Media, especially online debating.

Guest Interview: Global Warming skeptic Dr. E. Calvin Beisner to discuss the new documentary “It’s Easy Being Green: When You Have No Choice”.

Open Line Topic: A discussion on Hillary Clinton’s claim that our tax system unfairly favors the rich.

3 thoughts on “Bob Dutko Show Summary – Tuesday 04 – 14 – 15

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