Bob Dutko Show Summary – Tuesday 04 – 07 – 15

Noon-4:00 PM

First Hour – News/Politics

Rand Paul announcing run for president.

Rolling Stone Magazine won’t fire anyone for rape story now proven false.

Carly Fiorina calls out Apple CEO’s “hypocrisy” over Indiana Religious Freedom law.

Politifact “investigates” GOP’s Scott Walker’s claim he bought his sweater on discount.

Arnold Schwarzenegger op-ed ripping Republicans for opposing gay marriage.

News Hour Guest Interview: Retired General Jerry Boykin to discuss the future of America.

Rest of the Bob Dutko Show…..

Guest Interview: Hope for the Heart Founder June Hunt to discuss domestic violence in the Church.

Additional Issues Discussed…..

In light of the new HBO Documentary on Scientology, I thoroughly examined the false teachings and claims of the Church of Scientology.

Guest Interview: Dr. Chris Castaldo, author of “Talking With Catholics About the Gospel: A Guide for Evangelicals”.

Open Line Topic: A discussion of President Obama’s comments this morning at the White House Easter Prayer Breakfast where he repeatedly declared Jesus as “our risen Savior”.

2 thoughts on “Bob Dutko Show Summary – Tuesday 04 – 07 – 15

  1. medicamentos

    Hablaré desde el lado que interesa a quien lo toma, los efectos que me produce y porque pienso que es mejor esto que la Viagra. La erección es un proceso involuntario que depende en parte del estado emocional del individuo.

  2. sitio educativo

    Mientras haya óxido nítrico en el cuerpo cavernoso, el pene se mantendrá lleno de sangre y, por lo tanto, erecto; cuando lo niveles de óxido nítrico caen, la erección termina. Além disso, o tabagismo é outra das principais causas da impotência sexual, pois o cigarro reduz o fluxo de sangue no órgão sexual, podendo dificultar a ereção ou impedi-la completamente.

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