Noon-4:00 PM
First Hour – News/Politics
French terrorists identified.
CNN policy: French magazine’s Mohammed cartoon forbidden, but “Piss Christ” allowed.
AP censors Mohammed cartoon images, but sells “Piss Christ” images.
Bill Maher actually calls out Muslims in general for Islamic terrorism.
Islamic Imam: Paris shows “consequences” of insulting Islam.
Missouri teacher refuses to allow student to read Bible during free time.
News Hour Guest Interview: Curtis Kalin with to discuss the media’s unwillingness to show the French magazine cartoon images of Mohammed.
Rest of the Bob Dutko Show…..
Guest Interview: Pastor Robert J. Morgan, author of “Mastering Life Before it’s too Late”.
Other Issues Discussed…..
I continued my response and debunking of the arguments used in the Newsweek feature story claiming the Bible is false.
Guest Interview: Steve McVey, author of “The Secret of Grace” to discuss the balance between Grace and Legalism.
Open Line Topic: A discussion on whether media outlets should show the Mohammed cartoon image from the French magazine that caused the terrorist attack.