Bob Dutko Show Summary – Monday 10 – 06 – 14

Noon-4:00 PM

First Hour – News/Politics

Supreme Court allows lower court ruling to stand on states banning gay marriage.

Gallup: Opposition to Obama higher than Clinton or Bush.

Gaffe prone Joe Biden has to call Turkey, UAE and apologize for his comments.

Time Magazine calls Republican election ad “most sexist” of the year, an ad made by women.

Daily Beast : It’s “Draconian” to allow Texas abortion clinics to close.

Poll: Voters declare which states they’d vote out of the Union.

Rest of the Bob Dutko Show…..

Guest Interview: Amy Simpson, author of “Anxious: Choosing Faith in a World of Worry”.

Other Issues Discussed……

I debunked an op-ed piece written by a Jesus biographer claiming Jesus would support gay marriage.

Guest Interview: Dr. Richard Furman, Vascular Surgeon and author of “Prescription for Life” to discuss how to live healthier as Christians.

Open Line Topic: A discussion on the pro-gay marriage decision today from the Supreme Court.

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