Guest Interview: Answers in Genesis, Creation Museum and Ark Encounter founder Ken Ham to discuss his latest book “Divine Dilemma: Wrestling With the Question of a Loving God in a Fallen World”.
Guest Interview: Professor of Systematic Theology Dr. Frank Macchia to discuss his book “Introduction to Theology: Declaring the Wonders of God”.
Other Issues Discussed….
I continued my Apologetics series on false teachings, today discussing why we are no longer required to “obey the Sabbath”.
I fact-checked Joe Biden falsely claiming he was a Civil Rights champion by documenting his actual opposition to civil rights in the past and anti-black comments.
Guest Interview: Dr. Sean McDowell to discuss his book “Set Adrift: Deconstructing What You Believe Without Sinking Your Faith”.
Guest Interview: Pastor Lee Cummings to discuss his book “Give No Rest: A Renewed Commitment To Pursue God’s Presence in Prayer and Worship in the American Church”.
Other Issues Discussed….
I continued my Apologetics series on false religions by examining the teachings of 7th Day Adventists and examining whether is it fair or unfair to categorize them as a Cult.
Guest Interview: Brian Heasley to discuss his book “Be Still: A Simple Guide to Quiet Times”.
Guest Interview: Pastor Jim Davis and Michael Graham to discuss their book “The Great Dechurching: Who’s Leaving, Why Are They Going, and What Will it Take to Bring Them Back?”
Other Issues Discussed….
I continued my Apologetics series on why Mormonism is a Cult.
Guest Interview: Jonathan Malm to discuss his book “Don’t Burn Out, Burn Bright: How to Thrive in Ministry For the Long Haul”.
Guest Interview: Aaron Withe to discuss his book “Freedom Is the Foundation: How We Are Defeating Progressive Tyranny By Taking On the Government Unions”.
Other Issues Discussed….
I continued my Apologetics series on how to answer the teachings of false religions, today
Guest Interview: Dr. Stanley K. Ridgley to discuss his book “Brutal Minds: The Dark World of Left-Wing Brainwashing in Our Universities”.
Guest Interview: Best Selling “5 Love Languages” author Dr. Gary Chapman to discuss his latest book “5 Traits of a Healthy Family: Steps You Can Take To Grow Closer, Communicate Better, and Change the World Together”.
Other Issues Discussed….
I launched an Apologetics series on why Mormonism is a Cult.
I analyzed and detailed all of the various aspects of the latest sham indictment of Donald Trump, this one from Georgia, charging him with RICO violations.
Guest Interview: Dr. Ken Dew to discuss his book “The Certainty of Christ: Confident Faith in a Confused World”.
Guest Interview: Bible Scholars Dr. Chuck Lawless and Dr. William F. Cook III to discuss their book “Victory Over the Enemy: Defeating the World, the Flesh, and the Devil”.
Other Issues Discussed….
I continued my apologetics series on proving the existence of God, today using the Bible and Jesus.