Noon – 4:00 PM
First Hour – News & Politics
Dr. Fauci (finally) retiring.
Churches and Pro-Life Pregnancy Centers continue to be violently attacked…..with still not one charge brought by Biden’s DOJ.
Trump preparing to file Unlawful Search and Seizure motion against FBI.
Michigan judge rules prosecutors are not allowed to enforce Michigan’s 1931 pro-life Law.
Even though Monkeypox is really a homosexual STD, and not spread in the air, CDC recommends wearing masks to protect from it.
Civilian per capita death rate lower in Ukraine than 52 U.S. cities.
Immigrant Bodega worker flees NYC in fear for his life after murder charges dropped against him for his self-defense killing of an attacker.
A Dictionary according to Democrats.
Donald Trump’s lengthy, detailed, data-filled response to the Democrats’ Jan 6th Hearings and their claim that 2020 Election Fraud has been “debunked”.
Rest of the Bob Dutko Show….
Guest Interview: Theologian Dr. Thom S. Rainer to discuss his book “Sharing the Gospel with Ease: How the Love of Christ Can Flow Naturally From Your Life”.
Guest Interview: Dr. John Agresto to discuss his book “The Death of Learning: How American Education Has Failed Our Students and What To Do About It”.
Other Issues Discussed….
I continued my series on debunking Evolution, focusing on the evidence proving dinosaurs lived with man, and yes, went on Noah’s Ark.