First Hour – News/Politics
5 big decisions SCOTUS is getting ready to hand down any day now.
Pro-abortion activists illegally protest outside Amy Coney Barrett’s home with bloody clothing and baby dolls.
Media continues to ignore the Kavanaugh assassination plotter.
Notice how Democrat-run, gun control cities are coincidentally where almost all the gun violence is.
Biden barks at reporter for “making things up” about recession concerns.
Donald Trump’s lengthy, detailed, data-filled response to the Democrats’ Jan 6th Hearings and their claim that 2020 Election Fraud has been “debunked”.
Notice how Democrat-run, gun control cities is coincidentally where almost all the gun violence is.
Various Stories and Data censored from the Media and Big Tech:
Dr. Marty Makary Op-ed: 10 Biggest COVID Mistakes – Americans Deserve an Apology From the Medical Experts”.
New Cleveland Clinic medical study shows those who had COVID receive ZERO benefits from getting vaccinated.
CDC Data showing number of deaths, hospitalizations, etc., after COVID vaccine.
M.I.T. Scientist says COVID vaccine may cause serious long term health problems.
Dr. Joseph Mercola article opposing mask-wearing.
COVID – CDC – 6% vs 94%, plus age 0-19 = 99.997%, 20-49 = 99.98%, 50-69 = 99.5%, 70+ = 94.6%. News story from KRTV, Channel 3 CBS Affiliate in Great Falls, Montana.
Link to the CDC page itself:
Here is a link to all the evidence of 2020 voter fraud that the media claims doesn’t exist.
List of Trump’s accomplishments in only 4 years.
Rest of the Bob Dutko Show
Guest Interview: Esther Smith to discuss her book “A Still and Quiet Mind: Twelve Strategies For Changing Unwanted Thoughts”.
Guest Interview: Christian music Artist Michael Card to discuss his latest book “Scribbling in the Sand: Christ and Creativity”.
Other Issues Discussed….
I continued my Apologetics series on debunking Darwinian Evolution, today focusing on new DNA evidence and discoveries that support Biblical Creation 6000 years ago.