Noon – 4:00 PM
First Hour – News & Politics
I discussed and analyzed all the latest on the school shooting in Texas.
Washington Post reports that W.H.O. power grab idea of Biden’s may fail in U.N. vote.
Clueless Whoopi Golberg on “The View” falsely claims the San Fransisco Archbishop was wrong for denying pro-abortion Nancy Pelosi Communion, saying “that’s not your job”.
Op-ed from a medical doctor on how physicians are now being forced to embrace CRT.
Wow. Anti-LGBT China is making Disney’s “LGBT Pride” children’s clothing line.
It’s possible SCOTUS could release it’s Roe v Wade ruling on any Monday.
Biden’s now gone 100+ days without a media interview.
Poll: 68% of Republicans say to impeach Biden after taking control of Congress.
Data proves white men commit less mass shootings in proportion to their population than black or Asian men.
Disney aggressively going after children with LGBTQ themed toys.
Biden tells teachers their students are “not someone else’ children, they’re yours”.
Biden trying to buy votes with student loan forgiveness.
Op-ed on the wrongness of Biden trying to cancel student loan debt.
Now State Farm Insurance is pushing Transgenderism on children.
Rest of the Bob Dutko Show….
Guest Interview: Crickett Keeth to discuss her book “Before the Throne: Finding Strength Through Prayer in Difficult Times”.
Guest Interview: Pastor Levi Lusko to discuss his book “The Last Supper on the Moon: NASA’s 1969 Lunar Voyage, Jesus Christ’s Bloody Death, and the Fantastic Quest to Conquer Inner Space”.
Open Line Topic: We discussed the Elementary school massacre in Ulvalde, Texas.