First Hour – News/Politics
NATO responds to Russian attack of Ukraine.
Putin warns of nuclear war if anyone comes to Ukraine’s defense.
Gov. Kristi Noem explains how Biden’s handling of two main pipelines led to this Ukraine attack from Russia.
Mike Pompeo op-ed on the Russian attack of Ukraine.
No joke. Biden’s Climate Czar John Kerry said he’s concerned about the Russia war against Ukraine because of it’s affect on Global Warming.
Remember when Obama and the media mocked Mitt Romney for saying our #1 Geopolitical foe is Russia?
Johns Hopkins Professor of Surgery blasts the CDC for it’s dishonesty and misinformation.
John Lott op-ed about the truth regarding gun crime.
Various Stories and Data censored from the Media and Big Tech:
New Cleveland Clinic medical study shows those who had COVID receive ZERO benefits from getting vaccinated.
CDC Data showing number of deaths, hospitalizations, etc., after COVID vaccine.
M.I.T. Scientist says COVID vaccine may cause serious long term health problems.
Dr. Joseph Mercola article opposing mask-wearing.
COVID – CDC – 6% vs 94%, plus age 0-19 = 99.997%, 20-49 = 99.98%, 50-69 = 99.5%, 70+ = 94.6%. News story from KRTV, Channel 3 CBS Affiliate in Great Falls, Montana.
Link to the CDC page itself:
Here is a link to all the evidence of 2020 voter fraud that the media claims doesn’t exist.
List of Trump’s accomplishments in only 4 years.
Rest of the Bob Dutko Show
Guest Interview: Nick Liguori to discuss his book “Echoes of Ararat: A Collection of Over 300 Flood Legends From North and South America”.
Guest Interview: Best Selling author and Christian Psychologist Dr. Gregory Jantz to discuss his latest book “Social Media and Depression: How to Be Healthy and Happy in the Digital Age”.
Open Line Topic: We discussed how Christians are responding to Russian going to war against Ukraine.