First Hour – News/Politics
Virginia dad speaking out after being arrested for his outburst at School Board meeting over his daughter being raped by a transgender boy in a skirt.
Ruth Bader Ginsburg trashed NFL protest kneelers to Katie Couric in an interview, but now we learn Couric edited that out.
Little boy zings NBC Reporter with “Let’s Go Brandon”.
It’s the one year anniversary of the Hunter Biden scandal and media/Big Tech cover-up.
Once again, Biden turns his back on the Press, refuses to take questions on Supply Chain crisis.
Biden’s government estimates heating bills this winter will be up 30-54%.
Cleveland Clinic now requiring vaccinations for organ transplant recipients and donors.
Media forgets, doesn’t care – but 38 U.S. school children remain trapped (hostage) in
NYT reports U.S. military weapons being sold in Afghan gun stores.
Various Stories and Data censored from the Media and Big Tech:
New Cleveland Clinic medical study shows those who had COVID receive ZERO benefits from getting vaccinated.
CDC Data showing number of deaths, hospitalizations, etc., after COVID vaccine.
M.I.T. Scientist says COVID vaccine may cause serious long term health problems.
Dr. Joseph Mercola article opposing mask-wearing.
COVID – CDC – 6% vs 94%, plus age 0-19 = 99.997%, 20-49 = 99.98%, 50-69 = 99.5%, 70+ = 94.6%. News story from KRTV, Channel 3 CBS Affiliate in Great Falls, Montana.
Link to the CDC page itself:
Here is a link to all the evidence of 2020 voter fraud that the media claims doesn’t exist.
List of Trump’s accomplishments in only 4 years.
Rest of the Bob Dutko Show
I discussed a new Evolutionary discovery about the Trilobite eye that actually supports Biblical Creation, not Evolution.
Guest Interview: Dr. Jim Wick to discuss his book “The Gospel For the Wayfaring: A Theology All Can Relate To”.
Open Line Topic:
We revisited the debate over “Religious Exemptions” for the COVID vaccine, and whether or there the religious exemption claims are truly valid or rely on deception.