Noon-4:00 PM
First Hour – News/Politics
Biden pressed Afghan president Ghani in phone call last month to alter the “perception” of the Taliban heading toward victory, to make it look like they’re not “whether it’s true or not”.
I fact-checked Biden’s Afghanistan speech from yesterday.
Afghan interpreter who helped rescue Biden in 2008 from Afghanistan begs Biden “don’t forget me” after being abandoned in Afghanistan.
Biden repeatedly proven wrong in claims he made about leaving Afghanistan.
Reports of Taliban carrying out executions and rapes (forced “marriages”).
Reports of Taliban searching for and executing gay people.
Various Stories and Data censored from the Media and Big Tech:
New Cleveland Clinic medical study shows those who had COVID receive ZERO benefits from getting vaccinated.
CDC Data showing number of deaths, hospitalizations, etc., after COVID vaccine.
M.I.T. Scientist says COVID vaccine may cause serious long term health problems.
Dr. Joseph Mercola article opposing mask-wearing.
COVID – CDC – 6% vs 94%, plus age 0-19 = 99.997%, 20-49 = 99.98%, 50-69 = 99.5%, 70+ = 94.6%. News story from KRTV, Channel 3 CBS Affiliate in Great Falls, Montana.
Link to the CDC page itself:
Here is a link to all the evidence of 2020 voter fraud that the media claims doesn’t exist.
List of Trump’s accomplishments in only 4 years.
Rest of the Bob Dutko Show
Scotland to allow 4-year olds to gender transition without parent’s knowledge or consent.
Guest Interview: Dr. Michael Guillen, former atheist and Harvard Physics Professor turned Christian to discuss his book “Believing Is Seeing: A Physicist Explains How Science Shattered His Atheism and Revealed the Necessity of Faith”.
Guest Interview: Dr. Michael Rydelnik to discuss his book “50 Most important Bible Questions”.
Other Issues Discussed….
WND piece on the stealing of the 2020 election.
I discussed some eye floater rings I have been experiencing lately.