Noon – 4:00 PM
First Hour – News & Politics
Wow. Liberal Chris Wallace actually hammers Biden Secretary of State Antony Blinken on Afghanistan bungling and Biden lies.
CNN hammers Blinken as well (who get’s the name of the Afghan President wrong, BTW).
Well, this didn’t take long: ISIS is making a comeback.
Well, that didn’t take long – Part 2: Al Qaeda terrorist leader re-emerges with Taliban in Afghanistan.
Taliban terrorists mock U.S. by posting photo of them wearing U.S.-like military
combat uniforms and raising the Taliban flag like the famous U.S. Iwo Jima photo.
U.S. Intelligence documents confirm that terrorist Biden has been releasing from GITMO have returned to battle and killing Americans.
K.T. McFarland op-ed on the “alternate reality” Joe Biden is living in regarding
Rest of the Bob Dutko Show….
China increases allowable children to 3.
Guest Interview: Pastor Brad M. Griffin to discuss his book “3 Big Questions That Change Every Teenager: Making the Most of Your Conversations and Connections”.
Guest Interview: Oral Roberts University President Dr. Billy Wilson to discuss his latest book “Generation Z: Born For the Storm”.
Other Issues Discussed…..
Peer-reviewed science Journal publishes University Study showing masks don’t protect against COVID-19.
I gave several scientific and medical sources to show that masks are really an ineffective prop against COVID-19.
New York Times Report shows plexiglass barriers don’t really stop COVID
transmission…..and may even make it worse.