Noon – 4:00 PM
First Hour – News & Politics
My Facebook post detailing the ACTUAL timeline of Trump’s actions regarding Coronavirus.
New video montage showing 19 times Trump has denounced the KKK, David Duke, white supremacy, and racism.
DOJ files landmark anti-trust suit against Google for running an illegal information monopoly.
E-mails show Hunter Biden offered $10 million per year while his dad was V.P. for “introductions alone”.
Hunter Biden’s business partner confirms the authenticity of email about dealings with Chinese company.
Senate Republicans go soft, decide NOT to subpoena Twitter and Facebook CEOs to explain their censorship of news story that makes Joe Biden look bad.
Questions the press would be asking Joe Biden….if he were a Republican.
Biden ad features “financially struggling” Michigan bar owner blaming Trump for his “hardship”…..but turns out he’s a wealthy Tech investor and Biden donor.
Rest of the Bob Dutko Show….
Guest Interview: Best Selling author Stephen Strang to discuss his book “God, Trump and COVID-19: How the Pandemic is Affecting Christians, the World, and America’s 2020 Election”.
Guest Interview: Jon Harris to discuss his book “Social Justice Goes to Church: The New Left in Modern American Evangelicalism”.
Other Issues Discussed….
Pope Francis officially endorses gay “civil unions”.
Charlie Brown holiday specials will no longer air on network TV.
Open Line Topic: We discussed the odd coincidence that 2020 divided by 666 happens to equal 30330….the Joe Biden official campaign text number.