First Hour – News/Politics
Christian Voter Guide for 2020 election.
Here’s my Facebook post detailing the ACTUAL timeline of Trump’s actions regarding Coronavirus.
People praying and supporting President Trump outside hospital get surprise…..Trump did slow drive-by to wave at them.
List of who’s COVID positive versus negative:
Poll: 40% of Democrats “happy” Trump has COVID.
Various college professors celebrate Trump’s COVID on social media.
In 2012, Joe Biden was celebrating his and Obama’s economic numbers…..that were worse than Trump’s now…..during COVID!!
Michigan AG Nessel says she will not enforce Whitmer’s Executive Orders.
Gretchen Whitmer claims her Executive Orders were shut down in a narrow 4-3 partisan vote, but it was actually a 7-0 unanimous decision.
Trump’s original Tweet announcing his COVID was met with Satanic images and curses on social media.
Rest of the Bob Dutko Show……
Guest interview: Constitutional attorney Katherine Henry who successfully argued before the Michigan Supreme Court in their case overturning Gretchen Whitmer’s COVID Executive Orders to discuss this case.
Guest Interview: Lt. General (ret) William G. “Jerry” Boykin to discuss what’s at stake in this election.
Guest Interview: Former member of the Christian group ZOEgirl to discuss her book “Another Gospel?: A Lifelong Christian Seeks Truth in Response to Progressive Christianity”.
Open Line Topic: We discussed the Michigan Supreme Court ruling against Gretchen Whitmer’s COVID orders.