First Hour – News/Politics
Christian Voter Guide for 2020 election.
Here’s my Facebook post detailing the ACTUAL timeline of Trump’s actions regarding Coronavirus.
Kayleigh McEnany rips press for not asking one single question about Trump’s historic Middle-East Peace Deal.
Election rigging. Twitter repeatedly removes Trump Tweets claiming “misleading content”, but refuses to remove Biden’s latest blatant lie of an ad that even the Washington Post called a “4 Pinocchio” whopper.
Now Twitter even censors as “false and misleading” the actual, unedited video of Biden playing the Hispanic song.
Twitter blocks account of conservative who insulted pedophiles for “harassing” them.
Minneapolis City Council confused by crime increase after voting to defund the police.
Riots since George Floyd estimated to cost $1-2 billion in damages.
MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow proves how inhuman Trump is by showing photos of immigrant children sleeping on the floor. (The photo was from 2014, when Obama was President and Trump was doing Celebrity Apprentice)
Biden supporting Michigan Secretary of State misprints military absentee ballots by replacing Mike Pence’s name with someone else.
Eric Trump discusses the financial sacrifice Trump is making to serve as President.
Could Nancy Pelosi really end up being president in a contested election?
Rest of the Bob Dutko Show……
After national backlash, Ohio High School ends suspension of 2 football players who carried pro-law enforcement flags onto field during 9-11 tribute.
Guest Interview: Trump Campaign Advisor Corey Lewandowski to discuss the Trump campaign.
Guest Interview: Former White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders to discuss her new book “Speaking For Myself: Faith, Freedom and the Fight of Our Lives Inside the Trump White House”.
Other Issues Discussed….
With today being September 17th, the day 233 years ago the Constitution was signed, I decided to give a refresher course on the evidence of America’s Christian Heritage.