First Hour – News/Politics
Christian Voter Guide for 2020 election.
Secret Service pulls Trump out of Press briefing after shots fired outside White House.
Riots continue after Federal Agents left.
Jesse Jackson calls Chicago looting “humiliating”.
Chicago Mayor snaps at reporter for question about looters getting lenient treatment.
Poll: Even half of Democrats admit they don’t think Biden will serve out his first term.
Letter from black leaders tells Biden he “has” to pick a black woman as V.P.
Polls still show Trump behind, but closing the gap.
Poll: Likely black voters give Trump 36% approval rating.
Rest of the Bob Dutko Show……
NASA changing names of “racist” stars.
Guest Interview: Dr. Chip Dodd to discuss his book “Hope in the Age of Addiction: How to Find Freedom and Restore Your Relationships”.
Guest Interview: Renowned Theologian Dr. Erwin Lutzer to discuss his latest book “Pandemics, Plagues and Natural Disasters: What Is God Saying to Us?”
Other Issues Discussed…. I discussed some apologetics in the area of “Theistic Evolution”, by examining the Biblical definition of “life” compared to the human biological definition of “life”, answering the question of whether Adam and Eve could have killed a bug before sin entered the Garden.