First Hour – News/Politics
Christian Voter Guide for 2020 election.
I discussed and analyzed all the various speakers and aspects of last night’s Republican National Convention Day 1.
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi calls President and Republicans “enemies of the State”.
Newt Gingrich op-ed on why Trump really has earned re-election.
Op-ed addressing why the police in Kenosha, Wisconsin shot Jacob Blake “in the back”.
Kenosha, Wisconsin Police Association blasts Democrat Governor for comments of police shooting of black suspect.
Joe Biden refuses to condemn Kenosha rioting.
Michigan Appeals Court sides with Whitmer on her “Emergency” orders.
List of speakers for each day of the RNC Convention.
Rest of the Bob Dutko Show……
Guest Interview: GOP Delegate Dr. Robin Armstrong to discuss yesterday’s RNC event.
Guest Interview: Dr. Rob Rienow to discuss his book “Healing Family Relationships: A Guide to Peace and Reconciliation”.
Guest Interview: Terence Mekoski, candidate for Macomb County Sheriff.
Open Line Topic: We discussed last night’s day one of the Republican National Convention.