First Hour – News/Politics
Trump Assistant Peter Navarro scorches Dr. Fauci as being consistently wrong in USA Today op-ed.
NY Governor Cuomo absurdly “brags” about his coronavirus results compared to Florida. Um, here’s the actual facts.
Alabama GOP Congressman rips the constant fearmongering over COVID.
Investigative report shows Florida labs not reporting negative COVID test results.
NBC News’ Andrea Mitchell reports on Trump saying Dr. Fauci and others originally discouraged wearing masks, then switched positions….then claims “of course, that’s not true”.
Yes Andrea, Fauci admitted in an interview last month that he, the CDC and others originally recommended against wearing masks.
Trump hits Biden for his radical agenda unveiled.
NYT “Centrist” Editor and Opinion columnist Bari Weiss resigns in scathing letter to them about the leftist bias there.
The resignation letter:
Rest of the Bob Dutko Show……
Guest Interview: Bible Scholar Dr. Gary Burge to discuss his book “A Week in the Life of a Roman Centurion”.
Guest Interview: Best Selling author David Horowitz to discuss his latest book “Blitz: Trump Will Smash the Left and Win”.
Other Issues Discussed….
I discussed the CDC statistics that show school age children are way more likely to die from catching a cold, the flu or pneumonia than from catching Coronavirus.
Academics seek to retract study disproving racist police shootings.
Bob, this is my 2nd attempt to get that Op-Ed from Thursday’s show where a CNN Op-Ed writer, his last name starts with a “S”, where he was a “never Trumper” Christian who did not like Trump or vote for Trump in 2016 but now he does support Trump
Pleeeeease!!!, could you post that article or tell me where I can find it
I thank you in advance
Dwight M Triplett