Monthly Archives: July 2020

Bob Dutko Show Summary – Thursday 07 – 30 – 20

Noon-4:00 PM

First Hour – News/Politics

Christian Voter Guide for 2020 election.

Herman Cain dies from Coronavirus.

GDP drops by 32.9%.

Trump suggests delaying election so people can vote in person.

Newt Gingrich op-ed on how Democrats are trying to steal the election.

Top Committee Republican Jim Jordan’s opening statement at Tech Hearing.

Jim Jordan grills Google CEO about their helping Democrats in elections.

Rep. Jim Jordan erupts at Democrat Congresswoman who accuses him of “fringe conspiracy theories”.

Rep. Greg Steube grills Google/YouTube CEO over their censorship of the pro-Hydroxychloroquine medical doctors’ press conference.

Breitbart News Google search visibility is down 99.7% this year alone.

Conservatives in Congress introduce legislation that would block tech companies ability to censor conservative speech.

The power of the fearmongering media. New poll shows most Americans think the coronavirus death toll is 30 million.

Oakland’s Democrat City Council votes to keep out Federal agents to keep the city “safe”.

William Barr Circus Hearings were McCarthism all over again.

Rest of the Bob Dutko Show……

Guest Interview: Former Congressman Kerry Bentivolio to discuss his current run for Congress.

Guest Interview: Best Selling “5 Love Languages” author Dr. Gary Chapman to discuss his latest book “Seen. Known. Loved.: 5 Truths About God and Your Love Language”.

Guest Interview: U.S. Congressional candidate Kristina Lyke.

Guest Interview: Professor of New Testament Dr. Jeannine K. Brown to discuss her book “The Gospels As Stories: A Narrative Approach to Matthew, Mark, Luke and John”.

Other Issues Discussed….

I discussed “Medicare-For-All” and why this would be bad for Americans.

Hundreds of Bernie Sanders Delegates plan on revolting at Convention, demanding “Medicare-for-All”.

Canadian wait times show Medicare-for-All isn’t as good as assumed.

David Limbaugh op-ed on American greatness.

Bob Dutko Show Summary – Wednesday 07 – 29 – 20

Noon-4:00 PM

First Hour – News/Politics

Christian Voter Guide for 2020 election.

William Barr does battle with Democrats.

Jerry Nadler wouldn’t even give Barr a requested 5 minute bathroom break.

Hateful Congresswoman Jayapal falsely claims Barr should have sent federal agents to Michigan protests.

Well known black Milwaukee street preacher gunned down after interview supporting Trump.

Rest of the Bob Dutko Show……

Poll: Most Americans have bought into the mask wearing hysteria.

Bill Maher asks why we can fly on planes, but not sit in open air sports stadiums.

Guest Interview: Vernon Robinson III and Bruce Eberle to discuss their book “Coming Home: How Black Americans Will Re-Elect Trump” . 

Guest Interview: Best selling author Dr. Stephen Mansfield to discuss his latest book “Men on Fire: Restoring the Forces that Forge Noble Manhood”.

Open Line Topic: We discussed and debated a new poll showing most Americans support mandatory COVID mask wearing under penalty of fine or jail time.

Bob Dutko Show Summary – Tuesday 07 – 28 – 20

Noon-4:00 PM

First Hour – News/Politics

We listened live to much of the House Judiciary Committee Hearings with Attorney General William Barr.

Transcript of Attorney General William Barr’s opening statement to House Judiciary Committee.

Well known black Milwaukee street preacher gunned down after interview supporting Trump.

Rest of the Bob Dutko Show……

Guest Interview: Bible Prophecy expert Pastor Jimmy Evans to discuss his book “Tipping Point: The End Is Here”.  

Guest Interview: Debate with Pastor Antipas L. Harris on racial issues and his book “Is Christianity the White Man’s Religion?

Other Issues Discussed….

I continued my apologetics series on debunking atheist arguments, today focusing on more evidence that proves the Bible could not possibly have been written without any supernatural influence.

Bob Dutko Show Summary – Monday 07 – 27 – 20

Noon-4:00 PM

First Hour – News/Politics

Mike Pompeo shares his Christian views on abortion.

I discussed the changes that will take place if Joe Biden wins this November, including all the various Christian Trump Cabinet Secretaries that will be replaced by Biden’s choices.

More riots over weekend.

Well known black Milwaukee street preacher gunned down after interview supporting Trump.

He did it again! John Roberts joins liberals in 5-4 ruling against Nevada churches.

Covington Catholic teenager collecting in defamation settlements from a dishonest media.

Rest of the Bob Dutko Show……

Guest Interview: Col. Kurt Schlichter (Ret) to discuss his book “The 21 Biggest Lies About Donald Trump (and You).

Guest Interview: Dr. Nathan Busenitz to discuss his boom “Forerunners of the Faith: 13 Lessons to Understand and Appreciate the Basics of Church History”.

Other Issues Discussed….

Facebook bans posts promoting “gay conversion” therapy.

Here we go. Law orders Ohio minister to perform gay weddings or face $5000 fines.

Since Coronavirus, thousands of Muslims in Iran have reportedly accepted Jesus.

Bob Dutko Show Summary – Thursday 07 – 23 – 20

Noon-4:00 PM

First Hour – News/Politics

Trump to send federal troops to Chicago and other cities.

Chicago mass shooting of 15 happened during Prime Time Tuesday night, yet CNN and MSNBC refused to cover it, or even report it.

CNN and MSNBC refuse to cover White House event addressing violence in U.S. cities.

Democrat Congressman says Trump “wants to be the Grand Wizard of the KKK”.

Joe Biden calls Trump the “first racist” president.

Trump to exclude illegal aliens from Congressional Apportionment figures.

Actual data shows Florida is NOT running out of hospital beds.

Rest of the Bob Dutko Show……

Guest Interview: Former Michigan Senator Patrick Colbeck to discuss the efforts to recall and impeach Governor Gretchen Whitmer.

Guest Interview: Dr. George Barna to discuss his latest survey about what Americans think about the intrinsic value of life.

Other Issues Discussed….

Planned Parenthood clinic in New York removes Margaret Sanger from their name.

Marine Corp cancels speaker after atheist group complains that he is a Christian.

Op-ed explaining that technically, “native Americans” aren’t indigenous peoples either.

Bob Dutko Show Summary – Wednesday 07 – 22 – 20

Noon-4:00 PM

First Hour – News/Politics

Popular Walled Lake, Michigan High School teacher and coach fired for tweeting “Donald Trump is our president”.

Nancy Pelosi calls the Coronavirus the “Trump Virus”.

I debunked the false claims made in an ad from a group calling themselves “Christian Conservative Republicans”.

Op-ed ripping an “anti-Trump Christian” group for their false claims about the President.

Actual data shows Florida is NOT running out of hospital beds.

Rest of the Bob Dutko Show……

Guest Interview: Dr. Theodore Roosevelt Malloch to discuss his book “Trump’s World: GEO DEUS”.

Guest Interview: Mike Detmer to discuss his campaign for Michigan’s 8th U.S. Congressional District.

Guest Interview: Pastor Tim Ross to discuss his book “Upset the World” about how Jesus “upsets” our lives.

Other Issues Discussed….

I continued my apologetics series on debunking atheists arguments, today, focusing on the evidences the Bible could not have been written without supernatural influence.

Bob Dutko Show Summary – Tuesday 07 – 21 – 20

Noon-4:00 PM

First Hour – News/Politics

Former U.S. Congressman Bob Barr’s op-ed about how Trump is right to send in troops to Portland.

St. Louis couple protecting their home from trespassing protesters being charged by liberal prosecutor.

Who is the St. Louis prosecutor, Kimberly Gardner?

Hateful Congresswoman Maxine Waters sees police pull over a black man, so she illegally parks and walks over to confront the cops.

Trump to start doing Coronavirus press briefings again.

Dr. Fauci actually praises New York on Coronavirus, saying they “did it correctly”.

Actual data shows Florida is NOT running out of hospital beds.

Wow. After the media was busted, NBC’s “Meet the Press” STILL ran the debunked clip of Kayleigh McEnany supposedly saying Trump ignores the science behind opening schools.

Chicago’s liberal black mayor uses racist term “Karen” against White House Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany.

Rest of the Bob Dutko Show……

Joe Biden tells Muslim group he’d like to see Islam taught more in the public schools.

Guest Interview: Former U.S. Senator Jim DeMint to discuss his latest book “Saving America From Socialism: How to Stop Progressive Attacks on Freedom”.  

Guest Interview: Pastor Brian Winslade to discuss his book “The Essence: Unpacking Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount”.

Open Line Topic: We discussed and debated whether schools should re-open this Fall.

Michael Reagan op-ed on the liberal politics behind keeping the schools closed.

Another great op-ed about the wrongness of leaving schools closed.

Bob Dutko Show Summary – Monday 07 – 20 – 20

Noon-4:00 PM

First Hour – News/Politics

I addressed the media obsession with Chris Wallace “fact-checking” Trump on Joe Biden’s “defund the police” claim.

Florida TV station investigation uncovers a motorcycle death listed as a COVID death.

England’s Health Department admits they are calling ALL deaths “COVID deaths” as long that tested positive “at any point”.

Of 8000 political donations from CDC employees since 2015…..5 were Republican.

10 policies Biden/Democrats will ram through if they win control this November.

I discussed a list of my predictions of what will happen in America if Joe Biden wins this November.

Chicago’s liberal black mayor uses racist term “Karen” against White House Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany.

Rest of the Bob Dutko Show……

Guest Interview: Dr. Mel Lawrenz, who lost his 30 year old daughter suddenly, to discuss his book “A Chronicle of Grief: Finding Life After Traumatic Loss”.

Guest Interview: Pastor David W. Swanson to discuss his book “Re-discipling the White Church: From Cheap Diversity to True Solidarity”.

Other Issues Discussed….

After backlash, Virginia drops criminal charges against pastor who held church service for 16 people.

I refuted the claims of “systemic racism” in law enforcement with actual facts and data from the FBI.

Why is there a national coin shortage?

Low-income Christians in China risk losing government assistance if they don’t renounce Christ.

Influential Christian Children’s book author divorces wife, come out as gay.

Bob Dutko Show Summary – Thursday 07 – 16 – 20

Noon – 4:00 PM

First Hour – News & Politics

Man attacks and injures high ranking NYPD leaders.

Influential NYC black leader calls for city to bring back it’s Anti-Crime Unit.

Democrat supporting police union coalition switches from Biden to Trump.

Trump lists 42 things Biden will do if he’s elected.

Smithsonian African American History Museum calls to resist “whiteness” characteristics of “nuclear family”, “science” and “hard work”.

Rest of the Bob Dutko Show….

Guest Interview: Todd Nettleton with Voice of the Martyrs to discuss Christian persecution in Eritrea, China, North Korea and other places in the world.

Guest Interview: Dr. David A. DeSilva to discuss his book “A Week in the Life of Ephesus”.

Open Line Topic: We discussed and debated the statues and paintings of a “white” Jesus, and how we should view the ethnic portrayals of Jesus here in America as well as other nations.

Bob Dutko Show Summary – Wednesday 07 – 15 – 20

Noon-4:00 PM

First Hour – News/Politics

Trump Assistant Peter Navarro scorches Dr. Fauci as being consistently wrong in USA Today op-ed.

NY Governor Cuomo absurdly “brags” about his coronavirus results compared to Florida. Um, here’s the actual facts.

Alabama GOP Congressman rips the constant fearmongering over COVID.

Investigative report shows Florida labs not reporting negative COVID test results.

NBC News’ Andrea Mitchell reports on Trump saying Dr. Fauci and others originally discouraged wearing masks, then switched positions….then claims “of course, that’s not true”.

Yes Andrea, Fauci admitted in an interview last month that he, the CDC and others originally recommended against wearing masks.

Trump hits Biden for his radical agenda unveiled.

NYT “Centrist” Editor and Opinion columnist Bari Weiss resigns in scathing letter to them about the leftist bias there.

The resignation letter:

Rest of the Bob Dutko Show……

Guest Interview: Bible Scholar Dr. Gary Burge to discuss his book “A Week in the Life of a Roman Centurion”.

Guest Interview: Best Selling author David Horowitz to discuss his latest book “Blitz: Trump Will Smash the Left and Win”.

Other Issues Discussed….

I discussed the CDC statistics that show school age children are way more likely to die from catching a cold, the flu or pneumonia than from catching Coronavirus.

Academics seek to retract study disproving racist police shootings.