Monthly Archives: June 2020

Bob Dutko Show Summary – Thursday 06 – 11 – 20

Noon – 4:00 PM

First Hour – News & Politics

I gave the latest updates on the Coronavirus pandemic.

Timeline of Trump actions on Coronavirus since day one.

Oprah Winfrey absurdly claims that after George Floyd’s death it’s “very much like in the days of Jim Crow”.

Liberal anarchists have taken over an area of Seattle, created a “no-police” zone.

Schumer blocks Senate Bill that would condemn efforts to defund the police.

George Washington University apologizes for the “pain and hurt” they caused by publishing a standard upcoming police recruitment fair.

New York Police Union Boss gives scathing take-down of the media smearing all cops.

Washington Post promotes a new anti-Trump book by their own “fact-checkers”.

Gretchen Whitmer says she supports “the spirit” of the Defund-the-Police movement, then later backtracks to claim she mis-spoke.

Now that “Gone With the Wind” has been censored by HBO Max, what movies are next?

Veteran 39 year UCLA Professor placed on leave for refusing student request to postpone exams for black students only because of George Floyd.

Rest of the Bob Dutko Show….

Guest Interview: James Goll to discuss his book “Tell Your Heart to Sing Again: Discovering Hope For Your Life”.

Guest Interview: Dr. Matthew P. John to discuss his book “The Unknown God: A Journey With Jesus From East to West”.

Other Issues Discussed….

I gave more evidences for God’s existence, today explaining the Anthropic Principle.

Bob Dutko Show Summary – Wednesday 06 – 10 – 20

Noon – 4:00 PM

First Hour – News & Politics

I gave the latest updates on the Coronavirus pandemic.

Timeline of Trump actions on Coronavirus since day one.

After L.A. announces $150 million reduction in planned police spending, homicides are up 250%.

Trump planning on coming out with several police reform proposals.

Scathing op-ed gives factual arguments to claim Democrats don’t really care about black lives.

Minneapolis manufacturer leaving the city after the riots.

Defunding the police would cost many black lives, but defunding Planned Parenthood would actually save many more black lives.

Trump getting hammered for his Tweet critical of 75 year old protester pushed down by police.

Rest of the Bob Dutko Show….

Guest Interview: Police veteran Adam Davis to discuss his book “On Spiritual Combat: 30 Missions For Victorious Warfare”.

Other Issues Discussed….

Judge orders Gretchen Whitmer to quit bullying 77 year old barber.

Michigan Supreme Court rules for Michigan barber.

Forced vaccinations are coming.

Pro-life black women in NYC arrested and handcuffed for praying outside a Planned Parenthood clinic…..for violating “social distancing” from each other.

Looney Toons goes looney in politically correct reboot of Bugs Bunny cartoons. Elmer Fudd has his gun replaced with a scythe.

Bob Dutko Show Summary – Tuesday 06 – 09 – 20

Noon – 4:00 PM

First Hour – News & Politics

I gave the latest updates on the Coronavirus pandemic.

Timeline of Trump actions on Coronavirus since day one.

Top Democrats won’t declare a position on defunding the police movement.

Black Georgia State Trooper tells BLM protesters he will only kneel for God.

Op-ed from a black man: Top Ten Reasons why I won’t support the BLM movement.

Nigerian author rips Democrats for “pandering” by wearing African cloths while kneeling on display.

Homeland Security Chief says there is not “systematic racism” in law enforcement.

Democrat Minneapolis City Council president says city police will be removed, and that calling 9-11 comes from a position of “privilege”.

Why this “defund the police” movement is insane.

Statistics prove “defunding” the police would disproportionately hurt minorities.

Rest of the Bob Dutko Show….

COVID-19 shutdowns ended up hurting minorities more than whites.

WHO now says Coronavirus spread from asymptomatic people “very rare”.

Guest Interview: Dr. Alex McFarland to discuss his book “Moral Decay: The Real Cultural Threat No One Talks About”.

Guest Interview: Bible Scholars Dr. Andreas J. Kostenberger and Dr. Gregg R. Allison to discuss their book “The Holy Spirit: Theology For the People of God”.

Open Line Topic: We discussed and debated the “De-fund the Police” movement.  

Bob Dutko Show Summary – Monday 06 – 08 – 20

Noon – 4:00 PM

First Hour – News & Politics

I gave the latest updates on the Coronavirus pandemic.

Timeline of Trump actions on Coronavirus since day one.

Massive protests in Washington D.C. and around country Saturday.

There was no media outrage when previous presidents (Republican and Democrat) invoked the Insurrection Act to send in the military to stop rioting.

NYT Editorial Editor resigns amid pressure after he allowed a Republican Senator’s op-ed to run, in support of possible “last resort” military use during riots.

Homeland Security Chief says there is not “systematic racism” in law enforcement.

California ambush kills one sheriff’s deputy, injures two.

Liberal Democrat Minneapolis Mayor gets shouted down by BLM crowd after he refuses to support abolishing the police department.

Why this “defund the police” movement is insane.

Statistics prove “defunding” the police would disproportionately hurt minorities.

Hillary Clinton lies about Trump to create more racial tension.

Bush and Romney reportedly not planning on voting for Trump.

My 2013 op-ed calling out Colin Powell as a RINO.

Rest of the Bob Dutko Show….

Guest Interview: Dr. David Deuel to discuss his book “Disability in Mission: The Church’s Hidden Treasure”.

Guest Interview: Dr. Paul Borthwick to discuss his book “Mission 3:16: God’s One-Verse Invitation to Love the World”.

Open Line Topic: We discussed and debated the Black Lives Matter protests over the weekend.  

Bob Dutko Show Summary – Thursday 06 – 04 – 20

Noon – 4:00 PM

First Hour – News & Politics

I gave the latest updates on the Coronavirus pandemic.

Timeline of Trump actions on Coronavirus since day one.

Derek Chauvin’s charge increased to 2nd Degree murder, other 3 officers charged.

Liberal bail policies are putting looters and rioters back on the streets.

W.H. Press Secretary McEnany reminds reporters of the police who have died and reads some of their names.

Historian explains how riots expose the failure of liberalism.

Minneapolis Star-Tribune admits the riots devastated minority communities.

Hollywood celebrities sign letter calling for police departments to be defunded.

Wow. Andrew Cuomo reads passages of the Bible at press conference in failed attempt to make Trump look bad.

Twitter doesn’t fact-check Debra Messing’s Tweet of as fake, photo-shopped image of Hitler holding up a Bible the same way Trump did.

North Carolina Democrat Governor refuses Trump’s demand that the RNC Convention is allowed to be free of “social distancing”. Well……Bye.

Rest of the Bob Dutko Show….

Guest Interview: Former Evolutionary scientist turned Creation scientist Dr. Grady McMurtry to discuss the George Floyd riots, Coronavirus and Creation science evidence, as well as taking calls from listeners.  

Other Issues Discussed….

Statistics prove that blacks are not targeted by police in “systematic racism” as believed.

Harvard University Study shows blacks are not shot more often than whites….but actually less often.

I gave more Creation Science evidence as well.

Bob Dutko Show Summary – Wednesday 06 – 03 – 20

Noon – 4:00 PM

First Hour – News & Politics

I gave the latest updates on the Coronavirus pandemic.

Timeline of Trump actions on Coronavirus since day one.

North Carolina Democrat Governor refuses Trump’s demand that the RNC Convention is allowed to be free of “social distancing”. Well……Bye.

Petty Democrats try to introduce Bills to condemn President Trump for visiting the burned church across from the White House.

Black Americans being killed in riots. Do THESE black lives matter?

Joe Biden claims he won’t “use racial wound for political gain”…..while doing just that.

Nancy Pelosi quotes Scripture in attack on President Trump.

Trump’s comments on national riots.

Boston rioters vandalize the “Glory” monument honoring black Civil War soldiers.

Poll: Most Americans support using National Guard to stop rioting.

Michigan Democratic Chairwoman says “If you support Donald Trump, you are a racist”.

Rest of the Bob Dutko Show….

Guest Interview: Dr. Tod Bolsinger to discuss his book “Leadership For a Time of Pandemic: Practicing Resilience”.

Guest Interview: Conservateve black musician and political commentator Lloyd Marcus to discuss the George Floyd riots.

Other Issues Discussed….

Trump signs Executive Order mandating religion freedom in foreign policy.

SpaceX launches to astronauts into space.

John Roberts joins liberals in 5-4 decision against California churches in coronavirus restrictions.

Bob Dutko Show Summary – Tuesday 06 – 02 – 20

Noon – 4:00 PM

First Hour – News & Politics

I gave the latest updates on the Coronavirus pandemic.

Timeline of Trump actions on Coronavirus since day one.

Gretchen Whitmer ends Stay-at-Home order, but still keeps several restrictions.

George Floyd family’s independent autopsy shows a different cause of death.

Trump addresses nation on riots.

Minneapolis increases police presence, arrests violators…..and they have a peaceful night.

D.C. Park Police says media reports are false that “peaceful” protesters were cleared out for Trump’s visit to historic church.

Trump walks out of White House, right out the front gate and across the street to visit historic church burned last night, where he held up a Bible.

POTUS has conference call with Governors, calls them “weak” and tells them they “have to dominate” the rioters.

Op-ed: You get what you vote for and in Democrat-run cities – you get riots.

Joe Biden accuses Trump of “breathing oxygen into hate”.

13 Biden Campaign staffers donated to left-wing group that pays bail for rioters.

Michigan Democratic Chairwoman says “If you support Donald Trump, you are a racist”.

SpaceX launches to astronauts into space.

John Roberts joins liberals in 5-4 decision against California churches in coronavirus restrictions.

Rest of the Bob Dutko Show….

Guest Interview: Pastor Scott Sauls to discuss his book “A Gentle Answer: Our ‘Secret Weapon’ in an Age of Us Against Them”.

Guest Interview: Joan Hunter to discuss her book Miracles Happen”.

Open Line Topic: We discussed and debated the national riots over the death of George Floyd and whether Mayors/Governors should use overwhelming force to shut down the riots (as President Trump is calling for), or just sit back and let the rioters have their way.   

Bob Dutko Show Summary – Monday 06 – 01 – 20

Noon – 4:00 PM

First Hour – News & Politics

I gave the latest updates on the Coronavirus pandemic.

Timeline of Trump actions on Coronavirus since day one.

Rioting in cities across the country.

Over 50 Secret Service officers injured and Trump moved to bunker as rioters (oh, sorry…. “protesters”) burn and attack outside the White House.

Rioters burn down large low-income housing development.

Singer Lana Del Ray slammed on social media for posting video of looters.

Colin Kaepernick (remember him?) calls rioters “freedom fighters”.

Video of President Trump addressing George Floyd’s death and the rioting.

MSNBC host actually compared ANTIA rioters to peaceful Michigan Lansing protesters.

CNN’s Don Lemon seems to defend violent rioters as a “mechanism for change”.

Biden calls for an end to rioting.

13 Biden Campaign staffers donated to left-wing group that pays bail for rioters.

Trump is right when he calls out Antifa for these riots.

Minneapolis Democrat Mayor claims the riots are from “white supremacists”.

Why Derek Chauvin was charges with 3rd Degree murder.

SpaceX launches to astronauts into space.

John Roberts joins liberals in 5-4 decision against California churches in coronavirus restrictions.

Rest of the Bob Dutko Show….

Op-ed on how liberal, soft-on-crime policies encourage rioting.

Guest Interview: Professor of Mathematics Dr. John, C. Lennox to discuss his book “2084: Artificial Intelligence and the Future of Humanity”.

Guest Interview: A debate with Dr. Ronald J. Sider, on his book “The Spiritual Danger of Donald Trump: 30 Evangelical Christians on Justice, Truth and Moral Integrity”.

Open Line Topic: We discussed and debated the national riots over the death of George Floyd.