Noon – 4:00 PM
First Hour – News & Politics
I gave the latest updates on the Coronavirus pandemic.
Timeline of Trump actions on Coronavirus since day one.
Massive protests in Washington D.C. and around
country Saturday.
There was no media outrage when previous
presidents (Republican and Democrat) invoked the Insurrection Act to send in the military to stop rioting.
NYT Editorial Editor resigns amid pressure after he allowed a
Republican Senator’s op-ed to run, in support of possible “last resort”
military use during riots.
Homeland Security Chief says there is not
“systematic racism” in law enforcement.
California ambush kills one sheriff’s deputy,
injures two.
Liberal Democrat Minneapolis Mayor gets shouted
down by BLM crowd after he refuses to support
abolishing the police department.
Why this “defund the police” movement
is insane.
Statistics prove “defunding” the
police would disproportionately hurt minorities.
Hillary Clinton lies about Trump to create more
racial tension.
Bush and Romney reportedly not planning on
voting for Trump.
My 2013 op-ed calling out Colin Powell as a
Rest of the Bob Dutko Show….
Guest Interview: Dr. David Deuel to discuss his book “Disability in Mission: The Church’s Hidden Treasure”.
Guest Interview: Dr. Paul Borthwick to discuss his book “Mission 3:16: God’s One-Verse Invitation to Love the World”.
Open Line Topic: We discussed and debated the Black Lives Matter protests over the weekend.