Monthly Archives: June 2020

Bob Dutko Show Summary – Tuesday 06 – 30 – 20

Noon-4:00 PM

First Hour – News/Politics

School choice victory in 5-4 SCOTUS ruling.

Pentagon says there is not “corroborating” evidence to support the NYT article claiming Russia was paying the Taliban to kill U.S. soldiers.

Amazon owned “Twitch” suspends Trump’s account for supposed “hate speech”.

Media misleads about St. Louis couple who protected their home with guns from “protesters”.

I read a list of President Trump’s accomplishments so far from a Facebook post by Justin Davis.

Poll: 38% (20% of Democrats) believe Joe Biden has Dementia.

Biden Campaign says it will target Evangelicals.

Senate confirms Trump’s 200th judge.

Trump has kept his promise on judge appointments.

Rest of the Bob Dutko Show……

CVS now selling men’s make-up.

Guest Interview: Christian Apologist William Seney to discuss his “Break Free Apologetics Ministry.

Guest Interview: Pastor Wallace Henley to discuss his book “Two Men From Babylon: Nebuchadnezzar, Trump, and the Lord of History”.  

Open Line Topic: We discussed whether Christians should feel obligated to wear masks in public.

Bob Dutko Show Summary – Monday 06 – 29 – 20

Noon-4:00 PM

First Hour – News/Politics

John Roberts joins Supreme Court liberals (again) in 5-4 decision in Louisiana abortion case.

Trump says he was not informed of a Russian plot to pay Afghan terrorists to kill U.S. troops.

Trump’s been way tougher on Russia that Obama was.

Trump’s actions against Russia for 2017-2019.

Trump deletes a re-tweet when it’s discovered someone in the crowd chanted “white power”.

Rest of the Bob Dutko Show……

Amazon bans ads for a book warning of dangers of transgenderism.

Guest Interview: Powerlifter Dr. T.A. Nalian to discuss his book “Secrets of Suffering: The Biblical Formula to Understanding Suffering”.

Guest Interview: Dr. Derwin L. Gray to discuss his book “The Good Life: What Jesus Teaches About Finding True Happiness”.

Open Line Topic: We discussed today’s 5-4 Supreme Court decision where John Roberts joined the 4 liberals to side with abortion groups in a Louisiana case.

Bob Dutko Show Summary – Thursday 06 – 25 – 20

Noon-4:00 PM

First Hour – News/Politics

I used the current “controversy” over Trump referring to coronavirus as “Kung Flu” to highlight many examples of how liberals and the media are faking outrage over things Trump says and does to trick people into thinking he’s “racist”, “hateful”, etc.

Black Republican Senator Tim Scott rips Democrats for filibustering police reform Bill.

Trump vows to protect statues of U.S. Presidents, as well as Jesus Christ.

Senate confirms Trump’s 200th judge.

Trump has kept his promise on judge appointments.

Rest of the Bob Dutko Show……

Pastor Shane Idleman op-ed on why evangelicals are right to support President Trump, warts and all.

Guest Interview: TJ Stevens, who in 1982 attempted to carry out a mass shooting massacre at a High School, to discuss his conversion and faith in Christ.

Guest Interview: Pastor Kevin Makins to discuss his book “Why Would Anyone Go To Church?: A Young Community’s Quest to Reclaim Church for Good”.

Other Issues Discussed….

I continued my ongoing apologetics series of evidences to prove God’s existence.

Bob Dutko Show Summary – Wednesday 06 – 24 – 20

Noon-4:00 PM

First Hour – News/Politics

Appeals Court orders Michael Flynn case dismissed.

Jimmy Kimmel attacks conservatives in his “apology” for previous blackface skits.

FBI: NASCAR “noose” found in black driver’s garage was just a pull rope from last year….before this was black driver’s garage.

‘Fortnite” removes police cars from video game.

Liberal gun-control laws don’t stop Chicago gun deaths.

Rest of the Bob Dutko Show……

Guest Interview: Mega-church Dallas Pastor Dr. Robert Jeffress to discuss his latest book “Praying For America: 40 Inspiring Stories and Prayers For Our Nation”.

Guest Interview: Katherine L. Henry, founder of the Restore Freedom Initiative petition drive to discuss this effort in Michigan.

Guest Interview: Bible Scholar Dr. Robert M. Bowman Jr. to discuss his book “Jesus’ Resurrection and Joseph’s Visions: Examining the Foundations of Christianity and Mormonism”.

Other Issues Discussed….

I compared the Quran and the Bible regarding science and medical claims to show how the Bible really was inspired by God, while the Quran clearly was not.

Bob Dutko Show Summary – Tuesday 06 – 23 – 20

Noon-4:00 PM

First Hour – News/Politics

Former W.H. Budget Director Mulvaney refutes John Bolton’s claims.

South Korea refutes claims made in John Bolton’s book.

Op-ed from former Deputy National Security Advisor K.T. McFarland on John Bolton’s claims.

Violence and murder continues in Democrat run cities.

Democrat run cities continue to fail black Americans.

Remember when the media mocked Trump in 2017 for saying how tearing down Confederate statues will eventually lead to tearing down statues of Washington, Jefferson, etc.?

Rest of the Bob Dutko Show……

Guest Interview: Dinesh D’Souza to discuss his latest book “Unites States of Socialism: Who’s Behind it. Why It’s Evil. How To Stop It”.

Guest Interview: Alec Klein to discuss his book “Aftermath: When it Felt Like Life Was Over”.

Other Issues Discussed….

I discussed racial attitudes in America and among Christians, plus responded to a listener email calling me a “racist”.  

Bob Dutko Show Summary – Monday 06 – 22 – 20

Noon-4:00 PM

First Hour – News/Politics

Father’s Day weekend in Chicago: 60 shot, 9 killed…..mostly black. Do THESE Black Lives Matter? Not to the media.

Trump only has 6200 at Tulsa rally in arena that holds 19,000.

Trump Campaign and media debate the reasons for his low Tulsa turnout.

Is the claimed TikTok derailing of Trump’s Tulsa attendance evidence of Chinese election interference?

CNN and MSNBC mentioned “Juneteenth” a total of 7 times in Obama’s entire 2nd term, but 608 times in 2020 under Trump.

Facebook, Twitter and MSM censor and hide effective “racist toddler” satire video re-tweeted by Trump.

YouTube censors Christian man saying he regrets his previous “sex-change” operation from male to female.

Since March 1, 2020, ABC, NBC, CBS News has reported 51 negative quotes about Joe Biden…..and 445 about Trump.

Judge allows Bolton’s anti-Trump book to be published, but rebukes him for compromising national security.

San Francisco protester tear down statues of Ulysses S. Grant and Francis Scott Key.

Remember when the media mocked Trump in 2017 for saying how tearing down Confederate statues will eventually lead to tearing down statues of Washington, Jefferson, etc.?

Rest of the Bob Dutko Show……

Rhode Island blind woman banned from park for two years for sharing Jesus.

Guest Interview: Dr. N.T. Wright to discuss his book “God and the Pandemic: A Christian Reflection on the Coronavirus and it’s Aftermath”.

Guest Interview: Dr. Adam Dooley to discuss his book “Hope When Life Unravels: Finding God When It Hurts”.

Open Line Topic: We discussed and debated various products changing for political correctness concerns, like Aunt Jemima syrup changing their name, Uncle Ben’s Rice, Cream of Wheat, Land O’ Lakes Butter and more changing their longstanding logos, claiming they are “racist”.   

Bob Dutko Show Summary – Thursday 06 – 18 – 20

Noon-4:00 PM

First Hour – News/Politics

SCOTUS rules 5-4 against Trump in DACA case.

22 times Obama as president said he did have the constitutional authority to impose DACA without Congress……before he did it.

John Bolton trashes POTUS in new book.

Atlanta officer charged with murder, could face death penalty in Rayshard Brooks killing.

Black Georgia Sheriff says Rayshard Brooks’ shooting was “completely justified”.

Seattle reaches partial agreement with “CHOP” regarding their demands.

Turns out, Trump is doing exactly the opposite of what his critics have accused him of.

Major League soccer to skip the National Anthem before games.

Major League soccer to skip the National Anthem before games.

Rest of the Bob Dutko Show……

Guest Interview: Dr. Jim Denison to discuss his articles on the Supreme Court LGBT ruling, President Trump’s police reform efforts and life after coronavirus.

Guest Interview: Ashley Bell, African-American member of the Trump Administration to discuss Trump’s efforts to help poor communities.

Guest Interview: Southern Baptist Theological Seminary President Dr. R. Albert Mohler to discuss his book “The Gathering Storm: Secularism, Culture and the Church”.

Open Line Topic: we discussed and debated the Atlanta police officer Garrett Rolfe getting charged with a death penalty murder charge for the shooting death of Rayshard Brooks.

Bob Dutko Show Summary – Wednesday 06 – 17 – 20

Noon-4:00 PM

First Hour – News/Politics

SCOTUS rules for liberals in 4 cases yesterday.

Video of Trump’s speech on police Executive Order.

Text of Trump’s speech on police reform Executive Order.

Seattle reaches partial agreement with “CHOP” regarding their demands.

John Nolte op-ed going after the Democrats, accusing THEM of racism.

I gave several historical facts about the Democratic Party’s history of racism.

Major League soccer to skip the National Anthem before games.

Rest of the Bob Dutko Show……

Guest Interview: David L. Winters to discuss anxiety during coronavirus times as well as his book “Exercise Your Faith: Defeating the Lies Men Believe”.

Guest Interview: Steve Green, Founder of the Museum of the Bible and the CEO of Hobby Lobby to discuss his book “The Beautiful Book”.

Other Issues Discussed….. I continued my series on God’s Existence, focusing of scientific discoveries that proves there must be a God.

Bob Dutko Show Summary – Tuesday 06 – 16 – 20

Noon-4:00 PM

First Hour – News/Politics

SCOTUS rules for liberals in 4 cases yesterday.

Clarence Thomas and Brett Kavanaugh rip their conservative colleagues for refusing to hear gun re-striction cases.

Rayshard Brooks’ family pleads for “justice”.

Former NYPD officer and Secret Service training instructor says the Atlanta officers did the only thing they could do.

John Nolte op-ed going after the Democrats, accusing THEM of racism.

Las Vegas officer shot in head during protests likely paralyzed.

In blatant bias, NBC News tweets positively about a massive black “transgender” rally while simulta-neously tweeting a coronavirus health concern about Trump’s upcoming rally.

NYC Coronavirus “Contact Tracing” workers instructed not to ask people if they attended a BLM pro-test rally.

Major League soccer to skip the National Anthem before games.

News Media’s constant negative coverage of Trump is just free advertising for Biden.

Poll: More Americans believe Confederate statues should remain.

Seattle City Council unanimously votes to ban police use of tear gas and pepper spray to disperse crowds.

Washington Democrat Governor and Seattle Democrat Mayor continue to bicker as Seattle “CHAZ” area stays under anarchists’ control.

Rest of the Bob Dutko Show……

Anonymous letter, claimed to be from a UC Berkeley Professor factually shreds the whole premise of BLM.

Guest Interview: Petr Jasek to discuss his book “Imprisoned With ISIS: Faith in the Face of Evil”.

Guest Interview: Dr. Brandon D. Crowe to discuss his book “Every Day Matters: A Biblical Approach to Productivity”.  

Other Issues Discussed…..

I discussed a news story about people claiming that during Coronavirus lock-downs, many say they experienced a higher level of paranormal activity, ghost sightings, etc. I also explored what Scripture has to say about so-called “ghosts”.

Bob Dutko Show Summary – Monday 06 – 15 – 20

Noon-4:00 PM

First Hour – News/Politics

Supreme Court rules for LGBT employees in landmark case.

Obama refused to rename military bases named after Confederate Generals.

Media mock Trump for slowly walking down a ramp at West Point.

Media success. New poll shows 52% think Trump is a racist.

Protesters burn down a Wendy’s where a black man was shot by police.

Former NYPD Commissioner defends cop who shot Wendy’s attacker.

News Media’s constant negative coverage of Trump is just free advertising for Biden.

Poll: More Americans believe Confederate statues should remain.

Washington Democrat Governor and Seattle Democrat Mayor continue to bicker as Seattle “CHAZ” area stays under anarchists’ control.

Rest of the Bob Dutko Show……

I gave some more evidence proving the existence of God, today discussing life coming from non-life.

Guest Interview: Pastor David Crosby to discuss his book “The Values of Jesus: Aligning Your Life with His Teachings”.

Open Line Topic: We discussed the Supreme Court decision today on businesses firing gay people.