Noon – 4:00 PM
First Hour – News & Politics
I gave the latest updates on the Coronavirus pandemic.
Timeline of Trump actions on Coronavirus since day one.
Joe Biden’s sexual assault accuser rips CNN for refusing to ever ask Biden about it.
Google Play quietly removes old CNN “Larry King Live” show video where Joe Biden’s alleged sexual assault victim’s mother called in.
Every single Senate Democrat has refused an official request to address the Joe Biden allegation.
Joe Biden’s accuser says “I want the same equal treatment” as Kavanaugh’s accusers.
Comparing media reaction to sexual assault allegations against Joe Biden versus Brett Kavanaugh.
Fox News day-by-day timeline comparison of media coverage of Brett Kavanaugh’s sexual assault accusation to Joe Biden’s.
Even liberal Facebook and former CNN News Editor Fact-check as “false” the claim that Trump encouraged people to “inject disinfectants”.
Bill Bennett op-ed comparing New York to Florida on coronavirus.
Rest of the Bob Dutko Show….
Guest Interview: Janelle Alberts to discuss her book “Honest Answers: Exploring God Questions with Your Tween”.
Guest Interview: Pastor Sam Allberry to discuss his book “Why Does God Care Who I Sleep With?”
Open Line Topic: We discussed the latest conspiracy theories about coronavirus.