Noon – 4:00 PM
First Hour – News & Politics
Jobless claims last week are another 6.6 million. Now 16.5 million in 3 weeks.
I gave the latest updates on the Coronavirus pandemic.
Might the government make a Coronavirus vaccine “mandatory”?
Wow. Even CNN admits the Coivid-19 numbers are trending more positive.
Even liberal Snopes calls the claim Trump will financially benefit off Hydroxychloroquine “Mostly False”.
ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN, MSNBC, NPR, PBS, Associated Press, Washington Post, New York Times all refuse to interview African American Michigan Democrat lawmaker who credits Trump for saving her life by suggesting Hydroxychloroquine.
Do countries with high Malaria (and so therefore use a lot of Hydroxychloroquine) have lower Coronavirus cases and deaths?
Nikki Haley op-ed explains how Coronavirus supplies are the responsibility of State Governors, not the President.
Updated models for state by state Covid-19 peak dates.
Fox News Medical expert says businesses should stay closed until there’s “several weeks” of declining Covid-19 cases.
5th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals defends Texas’ right to label abortion as “non-essential” services.
Rest of the Bob Dutko Show….
For the rest of the afternoon, we had 2 ½ Corona-free hours of apologetics, focusing on the logical, factual, historical and non-Biblical evidences to prove the resurrection of Jesus Christ.
Hey Bob, Praise The Lord and pass the ammunition. During Neil Cavuto show on Fox News (approximately 4:00pm, Trump officially declared that he is a Christian, here’s the video: