Noon – 4:00 PM
First Hour – News & Politics
Examples of the media flat out lying about Trump on Coronavirus.
POTUS correct reporter who tris to criticize him for using the term “Chinese coronavirus”.
Anti-Trump New York Governor Cuomo praises the job Trump is doing with Coronavirus.
Op-ed complimenting Trump’s leadership in the Coronavirus pandemic.
Democrat Debate moderators didn’t even ask any Coronavirus questions until February 25th debate.
Rest of the Bob Dutko Show….
Guest Interview: American Red Cross to discuss blood shortages after many blood drives are canceled from Coronavirus.
Guest Interview: Lad Allen, founder of The John 10:10 Project to discuss a Christian response to Coronavirus.
Guest Interview: Dr. Janet Maccaro, Ph.D. in Holistic Nutrition to discuss how to naturally build up immunities to diseases in light of the Coronavirus pandemic.
Other Issues Discussed….
Max Lucado op-ed about how Christians should handle anxiety over Coronavirus fears.
I re-read President Trump’s National Day of Prayer Proclamation from Sunday regarding Coronavirus.