Noon – 4:00 PM
First Hour – News & Politics
I gave the latest updates on the Coronavirus pandemic.
Dr. Fauci says U.S. Coronavirus deaths
“could” hit 100,000-200,000.
Washington Post story admits the actual
undetected Coronavirus cases could easily be “10 times” higher than detected cases.
NBC’s Chuck Todd asks Joe Biden if President
Trump “has blood on his hands” regarding Coronavirus response.
Nancy Pelosi says “As the President
fiddles, people are dying”.
List of actions President Trump has taken so far
to combat Coronavirus.
Timeline of actions Trump administration took on
Coronavirus released.
POTUS dispatches 70,000 ton U.S. Naval ship
hospital to serve New York.
POTUS invokes Defense Production Act to force GM
to produce ventilators.
Rest of the Bob Dutko Show….
I discussed whether reading the Bible is the same thing as “spending time with God”.
Hi Bob,
Long time listener and love your show. On the topic of President Trump and invoking the Defense Production Act? Please be sure to clarify that it was and is not GM who is/was slowing production because of the amount of profits going to GM. The statement is only in a round about way partly true. These ventilators’ are made up of several hundred parts, the majority of parts down to the tiny springs and screws are supplied by second and even 3rd tier suppliers to Ventec before GM became involved in helping the country in this crisis. It is these suppliers who smelt blood in the water (in some cases) and are/were trying to take financial advantage of GM and Ventec as they will be initializing and making payment to these individual suppliers to expedite assembly. Then GM would at no profit to us have to ask of the U.S. government financial reimbursement for the NEW extremely more expensive ventilators. …hammer cost $300.0 when the government purchases one another topic for another day.
Just would like you to spend a minute clearing Mary Barra and GM by clarifying as I don’t expect the President can ever bring himself to do, I may be wrong and will eat my hat on that, haha… but he is a proud man and apologizing is not a strong suit of his in the recent history. just saying
Thanks Bob
Joe Pa