First Hour – News/Politics
Guest interview: Vice President Mike Pence called in to discuss today’s Iowa Caucuses, tomorrow’s State of the Union Address, Wednesday’s Impeachment vote, and Evangelical Christian support for this Administration.
Trump airs Super Bowl commercial touting his Criminal Justice Reform.
I reminded listeners of the many policy decisions of his that have directly benefitted African-Americans.
Super Bowl Halftime show dishonestly portrays children singers in “cages”, and obvious (and inaccurate) slam on President Trump.
Could Bernie possibly sweep all four early Democrat Primaries?
Rest of the Bob Dutko Show……
PETA (no joke) demands Groundhog Day’s Punxsutawney Phil be replaced with a robot to end “human supremacist” attitudes.
Guest Interview: Dr. John K. Goodrich to discuss his book “Following Jesus Christ: “The New Testament Message of Discipleship for Today”.
Guest Interview: Dr. Kenneth Boa to discuss his book “Shaped By Suffering: How Temporary Hardships Prepare Us for Our Eternal Home.
Other Issues Discussed….
I replayed the interview I did earlier today when Vice President Pence called into the show.
Sesame Street to feature male
actor….wearing a dress.
Op-ed on whether any of the Democrats can appeal to evangelicals.
Church of England apologizes for declaring sex is meant for married,
heterosexual couples.
New emojis to include male “bride” and gender-neutral Santa.