First Hour – News/Politics
Democrat impeachment managers who are so “offended”
that Trump temporarily delayed military aid to Ukraine…..voted “no” on military
aid to Ukraine last year.
Andrew McCarthy op-ed on why the Trump defense strategy has actually not been
POTUS legal team lays out 6 basic undisputed facts in
their case Saturday.
Op-ed explaining the hypocritical double standard of Democrats and the media regarding
charges against Trump.
Andrew McCarthy op-ed about Trump not being allowed to truly defend himself.
Rest of the Bob Dutko Show……
Guest Interview: Dan Abel and Brian Holcomb with KineticoCGC to discuss clean water.
Guest Interview: Meredith McDaniel to discuss her book “In Want + Plenty: Waking Up to God’s Provision in a Land of Longing”.
Guest Interview: Former evolutionary scientist turned Creation scientist Dr. Grady McMurtry to take calls on science and the Bible.