Bob Dutko Show Summary – Thursday 11 – 07 – 19

Noon-4:00 PM

First Hour – News/Politics

Whistleblower’s attorney tweeted in 2017 that the “coup has started” against Trump.

“Bombshell” Democrat impeachment witness Bill Taylor admitted in testimony that his only source for claiming Trump wanted Ukraine to investigate Joe Biden was…..the New York Times.

Bill Taylor testimony actually proves no quid pro quo.

Legal analyst: Dems quid pro quo “evidence” would be thrown out by a judge as hearsay.

Federal judge strikes down Trump rule allowing doctors to opt out of doing abortions for moral or religious reasons.

Trump fighting to allow faith based adoption and foster care agencies to deny placing children in LGBT homes.

Great Britain releases report showing horrible wait times for their government run healthcare.

James O’Keefe busts ABC News in undercover expose’ showing they spiked a report on sex-offender Jeffrey Epstein.

Rest of the Bob Dutko Show……

I continued my “Q & A Day” series, answering some apologetics questions posed by listeners.

Guest Interview: Dr. C. Bradley Thompson to discuss his book “America’s Revolutionary Mind: A Moral History of the American Revolution and the Declaration That Defined It”.

Guest Interview: Billy Graham’s daughter Ruth Graham to discuss her book “Forgiving My Father, Forgiving Myself: An Invitation to the Miracle of Forgiveness”.

Other Issues Discussed…..

I discussed, examined and thoroughly debunked recent news articles claiming recently discovered bipedal monkey skeleton fossils had “human-like legs”.

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