Bob Dutko Show Summary – Monday 11 – 04 – 19

Noon-4:00 PM

First Hour – News/Politics

Trump ordered to release tax records to New York, vows to take fight to SCOTUS.

Irony. Democrats block military aid to Ukraine while accusing Trump of blocking military aid to Ukraine.

Nancy Pelosi hints that the Democratic Party’s hard-left stance might cost them the election.

WHAT?? Nancy Pelosi says the October jobs report shows an “underperforming” economy.

Op-ed explaining how Democrats are using impeachment because they can’t beat Trump on the economy.

Elizabeth Warren unveils laughably inaccurate Medicare for All “Calculator”.

Elizabeth Warren claims she can fund her $52 trillion healthcare plan for “only” $24 trillion, AND by only taxing billionaires.

Bipartisan report shows that Elizabeth Warren could tax the rich at 100% and still not have enough to pay for her “Medicare For All” plan.

Here’s the list of where Warren claims her $24 trillion will come from.

New York Governor Cuomo falsely claims New York never had hurricanes or tornados until today’s “Climate Change”.

Rest of the Bob Dutko Show……

Apple to replace it’s man/woman/child family emoji with 3 non-binary gender neutral characters.

Kentucky Supreme Court rules Christian printer can’t be forces to print LGBT t-shirts.

Guest Interview: Gospel and Country music star Lisa Daggs to discuss her career, struggles and her book “No Turning Back, Regardless: How God Rescued Me, Redeemed Me and Restored My Heart With a Song”.

Guest Interview: Former 6 generation Mormon to discuss her leaving Mormonism and her book “Out of Zion: Meeting Jesus in the Shadow of the Mormon Temple”.

Open line Topic:  We discussed what the Christian community response should be to Kanye west and his Christian conversion.

Pastor Greg Laurie pens open letter to Kanye West.

Report: 1000+ give lives to Christ at Kanye west’s Louisiana “Sunday Service”.

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