Monthly Archives: October 2019

Bob Dutko Show Summary – Thursday 10 – 31 – 19

Noon-4:00 PM

First Hour – News/Politics

I analyzed the Democrats impeachment inquiry vote today and gave the evidence proving they are being unfair and unconstitutional.

Obama would have been impeached for various scandals if the Republicans used the same standard then that Democrats are using with Trump now.

House Democrats impeachment resolution gives them the power to fish for “other purposes” to impeach Trump beyond the Ukraine phone call.

5 reasons why the new Democrat impeachment resolution is fundamentally unfair.

Trump hating media absurdly attack Trump for humorous photoshopped image of him giving Medal of Honor to the dog who chased down al-Baghdadi.

Rest of the Bob Dutko Show……

Franklin Graham defends Catholic priest who refused Communion to Joe Biden over his pro-abortion stance.

Op-ed defending Kanye West’s “Jesus is King” album.

Guest Interview: John Ramirez, a former Satanic High Priest turning Christian evangelist to discuss his opposition to Halloween as well as his latest book “Destroying Fear: Strategies to Overthrow the Enemy’s Tactics and Walk in Total Freedom”.

Open line Topic:  With Halloween this week, I examined the arguments for and against Trick-or-Treating for Christians and debated the issue with listeners.

Bob Dutko Show Summary – Wednesday 10 – 30 – 19

Noon-4:00 PM

First Hour – News/Politics

Democrats put out bogus impeachment resolution that still denies Trump fair due process.

House Republicans rip Democrats for “sham” impeachment proceedings.

Great Gregg Jarrett op-ed explaining how this impeachment process is really based on opinions, not facts.

Democrats’ new “resolution” still leaves Trump without due-process.

Study: Most of Network news reports on impeachment came from “anonymous sources”.

Obama criticizes “woke” movement.

Rest of the Bob Dutko Show……

Burger King mocks Chick Fil-A for being closed on Sundays.

Canadian feminist speaks out about transgender movement of men claiming to be women.

Guest Interview: Gena Thomas to discuss her book “Separated By the Border: A Birth Mother, a Foster Mother, and a Migrant Child’s 3,000 Mile Journey”.

Guest interview: Dr. John Perritt to discuss his book “Insecure: Fighting Our Lesser Fears With a Greater One”.

Open line Topic:  With Halloween this week, I discussed the origins of Halloween, All Saints Day, All Hallows Eve and the Pagan origins of many of today’s Halloween traditions.

Bob Dutko Show Summary – 10 – 29 – 19

Noon-4:00 PM

First Hour – News/Politics

Text of Trump’s announcement of al-Baghdadi’s death.

Congressman explains why POTUS was right to not tell leaking Democrats of his al-Baghdadi plans.

How al-Baghdadi’s body was DNA confirmed.

POTUS declassifies and tweets picture of hero dog who chased down Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi.

Wow. Washington Post headline on ISIS leader al-Baghdadi’s death calls him “austere religious scholar”.

Operation to kill al-Baghdadi was code named after U.S. victim Kayla Mueller.

POTUS gets booed at World Series game.

Nancy Pelosi says the House will vote this week on impeachment hearings.

Constitutional Law Professor’s op-ed explaining our Founding Father’s standard for impeachment compared to what the Democrats are impeaching Trump for.

Op-ed explaining why the Democrats latest impeachment “bombshell” testimony of Bill Taylor is one big nothing-burger.

Rest of the Bob Dutko Show……

Guest Interview: Jeremy Courtney to discuss his book “Love Anyway: An Invitation Beyond a World That’s Scary as Hell”.

Guest interview: Pastor Paul Tautges to discuss his book “Anxiety: Knowing God’s Peace”.

Open line Topic:  With Halloween this week, I discussed the issue of Ghosts and “Haunted Houses”, including my experiences growing up and how we as Christians can have a proper Biblical understanding of these apparitions.

Bob Dutko Show Summary – Thursday 10 – 24 – 19

Noon-4:00 PM

First Hour – News/Politics

Two dozen House Republicans storm secret Democrat impeachment hearings, demanding access and transparency.

Minority Whip Steve Scalise interview explaining why Republicans crashed Adam Schiff’s secret impeachment hearings.

Might Senate dismiss impeachment trial because of how House Democrats have handled the procedures?

Op-ed explaining why Republicans are right to fight the Democrats secret impeachment hearings.

Op-ed explaining just how dishonest this whole secret Democrat impeachment process is.

Joe Biden accuses Trump of “squandering” a strong economy and forgetting the middle class.

Ummm, Joe….here’s the actual numbers comparing the Obama/Biden results for the middle class compared to Trump.

Interesting how media obsessed over Trump invoking “lynching”, but ignored Democrats use of that word…and the Democratic Party’s history of lynching blacks.

Rest of the Bob Dutko Show……

Texas Governor gets involved in case of 7 year old boy being forced into gender transition.

Op-ed exposing the eyewitness accounts of baby body part harvesting of organs from Planned Parenthood…..while the babies were still alive.

Runner wearing “Jesus Saves” sign collapses, is saved by fellow nurse runner names Jesus.

Guest Interview: Religious Liberty attorney Luke Goodrich to discuss his book “Free to Believe: The Battle Over Religious Liberty in America”.

Guest interview: Theologian Dr. Gerald L. Sittser to discuss his book “Resilient Faith: How the Early Christian “Third Way” Changed the World”.

Open line Topic:  We discussed Halloween displays in stores and neighborhood and how they seem to be getting worse and more evil.

Bob Dutko Show Summary – Wednesday 10 – 23 – 19

Noon-4:00 PM

First Hour – News/Politics

Democrats called Bill Clinton’s impeachment a “lynching”, but now Trump is being called a racist for using the same word about his impeachment.

More examples of hypocrite Democrats pretending like Trump using the word “lynching” is somehow racist.

Diplomat testifies that Trump used Ukraine aid as leverage for investigations.

Anonymous White House official publishing anti-Trump smear book.

The New York Times reports how the anti-Trump “Deep State” is a good, patriotic thing, but last year they mocked Trump, claiming there’s no such thing as a “Deep State”.

Comparing Trump’s middle-class wage increase to Bush and Obama’s.

Rest of the Bob Dutko Show……

“Tolerant” San Francisco forbids city employees from doing business in or taking work trips to 22 pro-life states.

Biological male sets world record in women’s cycling.

Procter and Gamble’s “Always” feminine products removes it’s female symbol so as to not offend transgenders.

Guest Interview: Jill Savage to discuss her book “Empty Nest, Full Life” about Christians dealing with their children leaving home.

Open line Topic:  We discussed a Texas jury ruling against a dad trying to save his 7 year old son from “gender transition”.

Bob Dutko Show Summary – Tuesday 10 – 22 – 19

Noon-4:00 PM

First Hour – News/Politics

Comparing Trump’s middle-class wage increase to Bush and Obama’s.

No surprise. House Democrats all stick together to vote down Adam Schiff censure effort.

I listed the various reasons anti-Trump Christians say we should not support him and refuted to and responded to those various arguments.

I also went through a detailed list of predictions that will happen in America if any one of the 2020 Democrats are elected next year.

Rest of the Bob Dutko Show……

Jury rules against dad trying to save his 7 year old son from “gender transition”.

Guest Interview: Todd Hampson to discuss his book “the Non-Prophet’s Guide to the Book of Revelation: Bible Prophecy for Everyone”.

Guest Interview: Dr. Gillis J. Harp, author of “Protestants and American Conservatism: A Short History” to discuss/debate why Evangelicals support Trump as well as the history of the “Religious Right”.

Other Issues Discussed…..

With Halloween coming up, I continued a series on Ghosts and the Paranormal, today focusing on Astrology, Horoscopes and whether the MAGI were “astrologers”.

Bob Dutko Show Summary – Monday 10 – 21 – 19

Noon-4:00 PM

First Hour – News/Politics

Trump pulls out of hosting 2020 G-& Summit at his Doral Resort.

Times Square billboard has image of President Trump being hogtied and assaulted.

I gave various examples of prominent liberals calling for violence against President Trump that would be unimaginable to be said about President Obama from prominent conservatives.

Unhinged Hillary actually claims 2020 moderate Tulsi Gabbard is a “Russian asset” and being “groomed by the Kremlin”.

Tulsi Gabbard puts out video hammering Hillary and the “elite” Democratic Party.

Op-ed explaining how Elizabeth Warren really is every bit the Socialist that Bernie Sanders is.

How the Middle-Class is really doing under Trump’s policies.

Rest of the Bob Dutko Show……

SCOTUS declines to take case of Christian school student forced by teacher to declare Muhammed is God’s only true prophet.

Thousands of witches gathering this week to cast a “spell” on President Trump.

U.K.’s first Chick Fil-A being closed right after it opened due to LGBT demands.

Guest Interview: Richella J. Parham to discuss her book “Mythical Me: Finding Freedom From Constant Comparison”.

Guest Interview: Senior Political Analyst Michael Barone to discuss his book “How America’s political Parties Change (and How They Don’t)”.

Other Issues Discussed…..

Thousands of witches gathering this week to cast a “spell” on President Trump.

With Halloween coming up, I continued a series on Ghosts and the Paranormal, today focusing on Wicca, witchcraft, the magic arts, spell casting and “curses”.

Bob Dutko Show Summary – Thursday 10 – 17 – 19

Noon-4:00 PM

First Hour – News/Politics

Elijah Cummings dies at 68.

I addressed how the media obituaries on Elijah Cummings are bring up Trump’s “rat infested” comments from the summer about Baltimore and detailed the context of that to show how the media is dishonestly using this to claim “racism” from Trump.

 Pelosi, Schumer and Hoyer storm out of Oval office after testy meeting with Trump.

Trump calls out ABC News for their video of Turkish war in Syria….that was really footage from a gun range in Kentucky.

GOP Bill introduced calling for an official Congressional investigation into Joe and Hunter Biden’s Ukraine and China dealings.

Text of the actual Bill.

Rest of the Bob Dutko Show……

Fired Planned Parenthood president hammered for saying abortion should be safe, legal and “rare”.

1 in 4 evangelicals say “insulting personal remarks” are justified in politics.

Guest Interview: Dr. Michael S. Heiser to discuss his book about the Netflix paranormal show “Stranger Things” entitled “The World Turned Upside Down: Finding the Gospel in Stranger Things”.

Guest Interview: Pastor Gary Thomas to discuss his book “When to Walk Away: Finding Freedom From Toxic People”.

Other Issues Discussed…..

Secretary of State Mike Pompeo criticized for sharing his faith in Christ and posting it on the official State Department website.

Op-ed about the NBA caving into China’s demands.

Bob Dutko Show Summary – Wednesday 10 – 16 – 19

Noon-4:00 PM

First Hour – News/Politics

I analyzed the various claims and aspects of last night’s Democratic debate.

Op-ed explaining the sad takeaways from last night’s Democratic debate.

Rest of the Bob Dutko Show……

NBA’s Lebron James bows to China’s demands on NBA.

Air Canada to stop announcing “ladies and gentlemen” because of “multiple gender identities”.

Guest Interview: Dr. Linda S. Mintle and Dr. James W. Kribs to discuss their book “Living Beyond Pain: A Holistic Approach to Manage Pain and Get Your Life Back”.

Guest Interview: Pastor John S. Dickerson to discuss his book “Jesus Skeptic: A Journalist Explores the Credibility and Impact of Christianity”.  

Other Issues Discussed…..

I responded to and debunked the false claims made in an article by liberal Democrat Christians called “Trump vs Jesus”.

Bob Dutko Show Summary – Monday 10 – 14 – 19

Noon-4:00 PM

First Hour – News/Politics

Trump addresses Values Voters Summit.

Hunter Biden steps down from Chinese company’s board.

Op-ed about how the media avoid any mentions of Hunter Biden.

Adam Schiff say he “should have been clearer” about his office’s prior contact with the first “whistleblower”.

Rest of the Bob Dutko Show……

Guest Interview: Sarah Jones, mother of 14 year old Bobby Reyes to discuss their legal battle with U of M Mott’s Hospital that wants to remove him from a ventilator.  

Guest Interview: Ace Collins to discuss his book “Stories Behind the Songs and Hymns About Heaven”.

Guest Interview: Pastor Jason Meyer to discuss his book “Don’t Lose Heart: Gospel Hope For the Discouraged Soul”.

Other Issues Discussed…..

With today being Columbus Day, we discussed the mixed legacy of Christopher Columbus and whether or not he should stop being honored with a Holiday.