Monthly Archives: August 2019

Bob Dutko Show Summary – Monday 08 – 12 – 19

Noon-4:00 PM

First Hour – News/Politics

Billionaire pedophile found dead in his cell while awaiting trial.

Conspiracy theories abound regarding Jeffrey Epstein’s death.

Former inmate says there’s no way for Epstein to have killed himself.

2 weeks ago, lawyer for Epstein’s accusers said his life was in danger.

Joe “Gaffemaster” Biden strikes again. Says Parkland students visited him as Vice President after shooting……in 2018.

CNN’s Jake Tapper sits quietly and refuses to correct Beto O’Rourke telling blatant lies about President Trump.

ABC News’ George Stephanopoulos falsely claims Trump and the NRA are against “background checks”.

Rest of the Bob Dutko Show……

I discussed a new fossil discovery of a giant parrot and the way this actually supports Biblical Creation and a 6000 year old Earth.  

Guest Interview: Pastor Wallace Henley to discuss his book “Call Down Lightning: What the Welsh Revival of 1904 Reveals About the End Times”.

Guest Interview: Dr. Michael J. McClymond to discuss his book “The Devil’s Redemption: A New History and Interpretation of Christian Universalism”.

Other Issues Discussed…..

I discussed Hillsong worship leader and songwriter Marty Sampson renouncing his faith in Christ.

Bob Dutko Show Summary – Thursday 08 – 08 – 19

Noon-4:00 PM

First Hour – News/Politics

Democrat Ohio Senator Sherrod Brown and Democrat Dayton Mayor Nan Whaley hold political, Trump attacking press conference after Trump visits shooting victims in hospital.

Joe Biden says Trump “fanning the flames of white supremacy”.

Hateful Hollywood liberals boycotting Equinox and SoulCycle because it’s founder supports Trump.

53 shot in gun-controlled Chicago over the same weekend as El Paso/Dayton shootings.

Democrat Congressman Castro posts private names and employers of Trump donors.

China devalues its currency, so Trump labels China “currency manipulator”.

Rest of the Bob Dutko Show……

I gave evidence for Biblical Creation and a recently created universe using a recent asteroid discovery.

Guest Interview: Pastor Bob Fabey to discuss his book “Not My Jesus”.

Guest Interview: Dr. Louis Markos to discuss his book “Atheism on Trial: Refuting the Modern Arguments Against God”.   

Bob Dutko Show Summary – Wednesday 08 – 07 – 19

Noon-4:00 PM

First Hour – News/Politics

Liberal Democrat Dayton Mayor actually encouraged anti-Trump protests during his visit to comfort grieving families.

Dayton Mayor criticizes Trump’s post shooting message to America.

Really? Here’s the transcript.

Wow. Elizabeth Warren (who was supported by Dayton shooter) tells CNN that mass shooters support Trump.

CNN dishonestly reports that Trump ended Obama rule that keeps guns away from the “mentally ill”.

53 shot in gun-controlled Chicago over the same weekend as El Paso/Dayton shootings.

China devalues its currency, so Trump labels China “currency manipulator”.

Rest of the Bob Dutko Show……

China removes “Bible”, “God”, and “Christ” from children’s classics like ‘Robinson Crusoe’.

Guest Interview: Dr. Michael Brown to discuss his new book “Jezebel’s War With America”.

Guest Interview: Mega-church Pastor Bob Merritt to discuss his book “Done With That: Escape the Struggle of Your Old Life”.  

Other Issues Discussed…..

Apple re-instates LifeSite News to it’s news app.

Archaeology and genetics confirm the Biblical account of the Philistines.

I also discussed genetic studies from 2017 that confirm the Bible’s accuracy regarding the Canaanites.

Bob Dutko Show Summary – Tuesday 08 – 06 – 19

Noon-4:00 PM

First Hour – News/Politics

I analyzed the efforts of Democrats and the media to slime President Trump with false charges of “racism” why examining what criticisms of Trump are legitimate versus illegitimate.

Trump planning to visit El Paso, Democrats tell him he’s not welcome.

Joe Biden compares Trump to the KKK.

CNN dishonestly reports that Trump ended Obama rule that keeps guns away from the “mentally ill”.

CNS News falsely claims Texas shooter’s manifesto “almost identical” to Trump’s words.

Rest of the Bob Dutko Show……

Guest Interview: Theologian Dr. Scott W. Sunquist to discuss his book “Why Church?: A Basic Introduction”.  

Guest Interview: Pastor Tim Bayly, author of “Church Reformed” to discuss how he feels the Church today has left the Biblical design God prefers.

Other Issues Discussed…..

Medical Study actually supports the validity of Speaking in Tongues.

Victoria’s Secret hires it’s first transgender runway model.

Former Christian pastor and author Joshua Harris marches in gay pride parade.

Irony! Planned Parenthood criticized CNN and DNC for not discussing abortion during last Democrat debate.

Bob Dutko Show Summary – Monday 08 – 05 – 19

Noon-4:00 PM

First Hour – News/Politics

Video: President Trump’s address to the nation regarding the Texas and Ohio massacres.

I analyzed the latest two mass shootings over the weekend in Texas and Ohio.

Text of Texas WalMart shooter’s manifesto.

Surprise! Democrats try to blame Trump for latest mass shootings.

More liberals continue to blame Trump for these shootings.

Beto O’Rourke on MSNBC about Trump “Jesus Christ, of course he’s a racist”.

Media ignores that the other weekend mass shooter in Dayton, Ohio was a self described “Leftist” who supported Elizabeth Warren, Bernie Sanders, hated Trump and tweeted “hail Satan”.

Rest of the Bob Dutko Show……

Guest Interview: David and Karin Holder, hosts of the Discovery Channel TV show “Raised Hunting” to discuss their faith in Christ and their book “Raised Hunting: True Stories of Faith, Family and the Adventure of Hunting”.

Guest Interview: Retired Marine Sergeant Pastor Carlos E. Evans and his wife Rosemarie to discuss Sergeant Evans losing an arm and both legs after stepping on an IED, their faith in Christ and their book “Standing Together: The Inspiring Story of a Wounded Warrior and Enduring Love”.

Open Line Topic: We discussed the 2 massacres over the weekend in Texas and Ohio.

Bob Dutko Show Summary – Thursday 08 – 01 – 19

Noon-4:00 PM

First Hour – News/Politics

I analyzed and dissected the various aspects of last night’s Part 2 of the Democratic Presidential Debate in Detroit.

I also examined continued false claims that Trump is somehow a “racist” with factual evidence that proves otherwise.

Black journalist op-ed saying Trump is delivering for African-Americans.

Detroit News op-ed says 2020 Democrats need to address the urban blight Trump brought up.

Op-ed exposes how Baltimore’s problems are because of total Democrat control for decades.

Rest of the Bob Dutko Show……

New York Republican Assemblyman introduces Bill making it a felony to throw water on police officers.

Witches launch “occult task force” to support Marianne Williamson.

Planned Parenthood upset that Democrats not asked one question about abortion during debate.

Guest Interview: Professor of Philosophy Dr. Joshua Rasmussen to discuss his book “How Reason Can Lead to God: A Philosopher’s Bridge to Faith”.

Guest Interview: Bible Scholar Dr. Chris Bruno to discuss his book “Paul vs James: What We’ve Been Missing in the Faith and Works Debate”.

Other Issues Discussed…..

I discussed a new poll on how many Christians believe in Biblical Creation by explaining the Biblical evidence to prove God did not use “Evolution”.