First Hour – News/Politics
U.S. could be heading for a recession.
Bill Maher openly wishes for a recession so Trump
won’t get re-elected.
2020 Democrats push false Michael Brown “hands up, don’t shoot” story, that
even the Obama Administration debunked.
I discussed and explained the various ways China has been ripping of the U.S. on trade.
ICE offices hit with more violence. Liberal anti-ICE rhetoric to blame?
Washington Post gives Elizabeth Warren and Kamala
Harris “4 Pinocchios for their lie about Michael Brown being “murdered”.
Democrats warn SCOTUS to “heal” or face “restructuring”.
Rest of the Bob Dutko Show……
I discussed the tricks of Satan regarding “ghosts” and “haunted apparitions”.
Guest Interview: Genevieve Marnon with Michigan Right to Life to discuss the status of the dismemberment abortion ban petition drive.
Guest Interview: Dr. Stephen Kellough to discuss his book “Walking With Jesus on Campus: How to Care For Your Soul During College”.
Guest Interview: Dr. Beth Robinson to discuss her book “Protecting Your Child From Predators: How to Recognize and Respond to Sexual Danger”.
Other Issues Discussed…..
I discussed an op-ed suggesting Joshua Harris made the “right decision” by renouncing Christianity rather than merely modifying it into some false counterfeit Christianity.
Op-ed explaining why Joshua
Harris actually did the right thing by renouncing Christianity.
Op-ed warning against progressive “Christianity”.