First Hour – News/Politics
CNN’s Chris Cuomo has f-bomb laced meltdown at man who called him “Fredo”.
Should Chris Cuomo get “red flagged” and have his gun confiscated?
Trump ending welfare dependent immigration.
Statue of Liberty and Ellis Island never intended to welcome immigrants who
couldn’t support themselves.
Kamala Harris calls Trump’s ICE raids a “campaign of
Oh wait, here’s a CNN story about Obama’s ICE raids.
Rest of the Bob Dutko Show……
Cal State University apologizes to students for promoting Border Patrol career opportunities….and offers them counseling for the trauma.
Guest Interview: Jay Schabacker to discuss his book “Scientific Challenges to Evolutionary Theory”.
Guest Interview: Lee Webb, former CBN News Correspondent and current host of “Renewing Your Mind with R.C. Sproul” to discuss their 25th anniversary.
Guest Interview: Dr. Patricia Batten to discuss her book “Parenting By Faith: What Jesus Said To Parents”.
Open Line Topic: We discussed and debated Trump’s “Public Charge” immigration policy denying immigrants who are likely to live off the government’s welfare system, and whether this is an anti-Christian policy.