First Hour – News/Politics
Israel blocks Rep. Omar and Rep. Tlaib from entering
I discussed the various anti-semitic comments against Israel from Representatives Omar and Tlaib.
Philadelphia police taunted, mocked by onlookers while being shot at in standoff.
Elizabeth Warren defends her false claim that Michael Brown was “murdered”.
Former veteran CBS Investigative Reporter Sharyl Attkisson calls out 2020 Democrats for spreading the Michael Brown “Hands up, Don’t Shoot” lie.
FBI data shows more Americans die from hammers than from rifles.
Democrats warn SCOTUS to “heal” or face “restructuring”.
Rest of the Bob Dutko Show……
I discussed the “what about cave men?” question some ask in light of Biblical Creation.
I also examined the geographic location of various animal groups to show how that supports a worldwide flood just about 4500 years ago.
Guest Interview: Leslie Montgomery to discuss her book “The Faith of Mike Pence”.
Guest Interview: Pastor Rick Unruh, author of “Self-Surrender: The Key to Dreaming Again” to discuss his trusting the Lord after losing his house, his 12 year old son and being imprisoned, all one after another.
Other Issues Discussed…..
I shared a post by the Founder and Lead Singer of the Christian rock band Skillet in response to the “falling away” of Joshua Harris and Hillsong songwriter Marty Sampson.
I continued my series on “Counterfeit Christianity”.
I decided to look into the Brietbart article saying more people die from hammers than from rifles.
Luckily the data is easily available:
So a big thing to notice is that in 3,283 of the cases the gun is unknown. The total murders from guns is at 10,982 out of 15,129. That’s 72.59% vs 3.087% of blunt objects (hammers, clubs, etc.) Gun murders vastly outnumber the number of hammer murders.
I do see why Brietbart would frame things the way they did, and why you were so giddy to feature the article on your show. Assault weapons fall under “rifles” so in framing the story in a certain way it makes it look like it’s not a problem and we shouldn’t ban “assault weapons” – knowing full well nobody would look further into the data. Because looking into the data, it becomes obvious how much more of a problem gun violence, in general, is then hammer violence.
Jesus preached in the sermon on the mount: “You have heard that it was said, ‘Eye for eye, and tooth for tooth.’ But I tell you, do not resist an evil person. If anyone slaps you on the right cheek, turn to them the other cheek also.
Jesus preached “‘Put your sword back in its place,” Jesus said to him, “for all who draw the sword will die by the sword. ”
We must ask ourselves – why do we want guns? Why do we, as Christians, desperately fight for our weapons? Why twist statistics to make them look favorable and that a problem doesn’t really exist? Why do we want to live by the sword? Why are we not willing to turn the other cheek, to resist an evil person?