First Hour – News/Politics
Media (of course) paint Portland unrest as “right-wing” violence, while downplaying Antifa as “counter-protesters”.
Joel Pollack op-ed about violence and liberal rhetoric.
Op-ed explaining why Trump’s interest in the U.S. possibly trying to buy Greenland is actually not crazy at all.
Bill Maher actually sticks up for Israel in Rashida Tlaib flap.
Rashida Tlaib suggests boycott of Bill Maher’s show after he criticizes her
smears of Israel.
Rashida Tlaib’s 99 year old grandmother attacks Trump.
Tlaib and Omar share and image from a Holocaust denying cartoonist.
Trump donates his 2019 quarterly paycheck to the Surgeon General’s Office.
of the Bob Dutko Show……
Does Chick Fil-A really lose money by staying closed on Sundays?
Guest Interview: Bible Scholar Dr. Robert J. Matz, co-Editor of “Divine Impassibility: Four Views of God’s Emotions and Suffering” to discuss how to understand the emotions of God.
Guest Interview: Federal Law Enforcement officer Nate Knapper to discuss his work in investigating human trafficking.
Guest Interview: Dr. David C. Innes to discuss his book “Christ and the Kingdoms of Men: Foundations of Political Life”.
Other Issues Discussed…..
I shared a paper written by Creation Scientist Dr. Steven Austin, Ph.D. in Sedimentary Geology who shows that the 1980 Mt. St. Helens eruption actually shows how the Earth is only 6000 years old, not 4.6 billion.