Monthly Archives: August 2019

Bob Dutko Show Summary – Thursday 08 – 29 – 19

Noon-4:00 PM

First Hour – News/Politics

IG Report rips James Comey for multiple violations of FBI rules, but stops short of recommending criminal charges.

Absurd CNN story claims Trump is scrambling to come up with “an accomplishment” he can tout for the 2020 campaign.

I gave listeners a partial list of Trump’s accomplishments.

MSNBC host offers embarrassing apology of false story after Trump’s lawyers threatened legal action.

Democratic Party officially adds a celebration of atheists/agnostics to it’s Party Platform.

Rest of the Bob Dutko Show……

I discussed (and debunked) a new news story claiming a “3.8 million year old” monkey skull that evolutionists were claiming as a “human ancestor”.

Guest Interview: Former Muslim, now Christian from Pakistan to discuss his book Beyond the Golden Door: Seeing the American Dream Through an Immigrant’s Eyes”.

Other Issues Discussed…..

I presented a refresher course on the evidence from science, archaeology and history proving dinosaurs really did live with humans over the last few thousand years.   

Bob Dutko Show Summary – Wednesday 08 – 28 – 19

Noon-4:00 PM

First Hour – News/Politics

I examined and explained the controversy surrounding media reports that Trump’s Doral Resort in Miami had bedbugs.

Former acting ICE Director Homan calls out “lie” from Democrats about Trump ending the “Flores Agreement”.

Pete Buttigieg claims the teachings of Jesus supports voting for him.

Rest of the Bob Dutko Show……

Veggie Tales creator says it’s a matter of time before Christian kids shows have to address LGBT issues.

Baseball great Darryl Strawberry says he’s glad he went to prison or he may not have come to Christ.

I continued my series on Cultural Truth versus Biblical Truth, today focusing on Christians who don’t “wear their faith on their sleeve”, as well as those who seek “truth in other faith traditions”.

Guest Interview: Dr. Randy Newman to discuss his book “Unlikely Converts: Improbably Stories of Faith and What They Teach Us About Evangelism”.

Guest Interview: “Bible Questions Day” with Bible teacher and host of the syndicated radio program “The Narrow Path” to take listener questions about the Bible.  

Bob Dutko Show Summary – Tuesday 08 – 27 – 19

Noon-4:00 PM

First Hour – News/Politics

Trump had a very successful G-7 Summit.

New Poll: Biden drops to 3-way tie with Sanders and Harris.

Op-ed (by a black woman) explaining the false discrimination claim of Kamala Harris that black women make 61 cents what a white man makes.

Op-ed explaining the various hypocrisies about the Obamas buying a $15 million mansion.

Rest of the Bob Dutko Show……

Patriotism, religion, having kids all less important to younger generation.

Liberals all upset over Hasbro’s “Monopoly: Socialism” edition.

Guest Interview: New York Times Best Selling author Andrew McCarthy to discuss his book “Ball of Collusion: The Plot to Rig an Election and Destroy a Presidency”.     

Guest Interview: Pastor Paul Martini to discuss his book “Access and Release God’s Peace”.

Other Issues Discussed…..

I did Part 2 of my series on Slavery and the Bible.

Bob Dutko Show Summary – Monday 08 – 26 – 19

Noon-4:00 PM

First Hour – News/Politics

Op-ed on how Trump’s Trade battle with China really is working.

Bill Maher’s HBO audience cheers and applauds when he says he’s glad Republican billionaire mega-donor David Koch died.

Op-ed exposes the hatred and hypocrisy of the mainstream media in just the last week.

CNN hires former FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe….he was fired for lying and perjury.

Psychiatrist on CNN claims Trump has killed more that Hitler, Stalin and Mao.

Former Congressman Joe Walsh announces Primary challenge to Trump.

Remember when Obama repeatedly warned that Global Warming will rise sea levels and shrink coastlines? He and Michelle just paid $15 million for an ocean coastline mansion.

Rest of the Bob Dutko Show……

Patriotism, religion, having kids all less important to younger generation.

Alarming report shows just how common it is for babies to be born after surviving an abortion.

More archaeological evidence discovered that supports the historicity of the Bible.

Guest Interview: Theologian Dr. John Frame to discuss his book “We Are All Philosophers: A Christian Introduction to Seven Fundamental Questions”.        

Guest Interview: Poverty and homeless advocate Terence Lester to discuss his book “I See You: How Love Opens Our Eyes to Invisible People”.

Other Issues Discussed…..

I discussed this August as the 400th anniversary of slavery in America.

Bob Dutko Show Summary – Thursday 08 – 22 – 19

Noon-4:00 PM

First Hour – News/Politics

Joe Biden does it again!! Falsely claims Trump has never condemned David Duke and the KKK.

Joe Biden has a history of making up false events from his life.

I also discussed the latest “controversy” over POTUS joking saying he is “the chosen one” to take on China, as well as his retweeting Wayne Allen Root’s comments about how much Jews in Israel love Trump.

Hillary falsely claims the Trump Tweeted Study about Google’s bias feeding her millions of votes was “debunked”.

Rest of the Bob Dutko Show……

Alyssa Milano says her life would “lack great joys” without the 2 abortions she had.

Op-ed from Ray Comfort about fearing death.

Guest Interview: Fox News Military Analyst Lt. Col. (Ret) Robert L. Maginnis to discuss his book “Progressive Evil: How Radicals are Redefining America’s Rights, Institutions and Ideals, Making Her Globally Irrelevant For the End Times”.        

Guest Interview: Pastor John Lindell to discuss his book “Soul Set Free: Why Grace is More Liberating Than You Believe”.

Other Issues Discussed…..

I continued my series on “Counterfeit Christianity” by comparing Cultural “truth” to Biblical truth.

Bob Dutko Show Summary – Tuesday 08 – 20 – 19

Noon-4:00 PM

First Hour – News/Politics

Tlaib gets emotional as her and Omar hold press conference.

Tlaib and Omar, just the other day, shared an image by an artist who won 2nd place in a holocaust mocking contest.

Anti-Israel group that planned Tlaib/Omar trip referred to suicide terrorist bombings as sacrifices “for the cause”.

Ilhan Omar flat out lied about Israeli trip denial.

Tlaib and Omar share and image from a Holocaust denying cartoonist.

Elizabeth Warren apologizes to Indian group.

Elizabeth Warren quietly removes DNA Indian ancestry claims from her website.

Rest of the Bob Dutko Show……

Planned Parenthood, by withdrawing from Title X funding, proves they care more about abortion than helping poor women with non-abortion healthcare.

Guest Interview: Bible Scholar Dr. Ron Rhodes to discuss his book “Jesus and the End Times”.  

Guest Interview: Pastor Corey Shankleton, President of the Michigan Heartbeat Coalition to discuss the debate over their Heartbeat Bill.

Guest Interview: Former evolutionary scientist turned Creation scientist Dr. Grady McMurtrty to take calls about science and the Bible.

Bob Dutko Show Summary – Monday 08 – 19 – 19

Noon-4:00 PM

First Hour – News/Politics

Media (of course) paint Portland unrest as “right-wing” violence, while downplaying Antifa as “counter-protesters”.

Joel Pollack op-ed about violence and liberal rhetoric.

Op-ed explaining why Trump’s interest in the U.S. possibly trying to buy Greenland is actually not crazy at all.

Bill Maher actually sticks up for Israel in Rashida Tlaib flap.

Rashida Tlaib suggests boycott of Bill Maher’s show after he criticizes her smears of Israel.

Rashida Tlaib’s 99 year old grandmother attacks Trump.

Tlaib and Omar share and image from a Holocaust denying cartoonist.

Trump donates his 2019 quarterly paycheck to the Surgeon General’s Office.

Rest of the Bob Dutko Show……

Does Chick Fil-A really lose money by staying closed on Sundays?

Guest Interview: Bible Scholar Dr. Robert J. Matz, co-Editor of “Divine Impassibility: Four Views of God’s Emotions and Suffering” to discuss how to understand the emotions of God.

Guest Interview: Federal Law Enforcement officer Nate Knapper to discuss his work in investigating human trafficking.

Guest Interview: Dr. David C. Innes to discuss his book “Christ and the Kingdoms of Men: Foundations of Political Life”.

Other Issues Discussed…..

I shared a paper written by Creation Scientist Dr. Steven Austin, Ph.D. in Sedimentary Geology who shows that the 1980 Mt. St. Helens eruption actually shows how the Earth is only 6000 years old, not 4.6 billion.

Bob Dutko Show Summary – Thursday 08 – 15 – 19

Noon-4:00 PM

First Hour – News/Politics

Israel blocks Rep. Omar and Rep. Tlaib from entering country.

I discussed the various anti-semitic comments against Israel from Representatives Omar and Tlaib.

Philadelphia police taunted, mocked by onlookers while being shot at in standoff.

Elizabeth Warren defends her false claim that Michael Brown was “murdered”.

Former veteran CBS Investigative Reporter Sharyl Attkisson calls out 2020 Democrats for spreading the Michael Brown “Hands up, Don’t Shoot” lie.

FBI data shows more Americans die from hammers than from rifles.

Democrats warn SCOTUS to “heal” or face “restructuring”.

Rest of the Bob Dutko Show……

I discussed the “what about cave men?” question some ask in light of Biblical Creation.

I also examined the geographic location of various animal groups to show how that supports a worldwide flood just about 4500 years ago.   

Guest Interview: Leslie Montgomery to discuss her book “The Faith of Mike Pence”.

Guest Interview: Pastor Rick Unruh, author of “Self-Surrender: The Key to Dreaming Again” to discuss his trusting the Lord after losing his house, his 12 year old son and being imprisoned, all one after another.

Other Issues Discussed…..

I shared a post by the Founder and Lead Singer of the Christian rock band Skillet in response to the “falling away” of Joshua Harris and Hillsong songwriter Marty Sampson.

I continued my series on “Counterfeit Christianity”.

Bob Dutko Show Summary – Wednesday 08 – 14 – 19

Noon-4:00 PM

First Hour – News/Politics

U.S. could be heading for a recession.

Bill Maher openly wishes for a recession so Trump won’t get re-elected.

2020 Democrats push false Michael Brown “hands up, don’t shoot” story, that even the Obama Administration debunked.

I discussed and explained the various ways China has been ripping of the U.S. on trade.

ICE offices hit with more violence. Liberal anti-ICE rhetoric to blame?

Washington Post gives Elizabeth Warren and Kamala Harris “4 Pinocchios for their lie about Michael Brown being “murdered”.

Democrats warn SCOTUS to “heal” or face “restructuring”.

Rest of the Bob Dutko Show……

I discussed the tricks of Satan regarding “ghosts” and “haunted apparitions”.

Guest Interview: Genevieve Marnon with Michigan Right to Life to discuss the status of the dismemberment abortion ban petition drive.

Guest Interview:  Dr. Stephen Kellough to discuss his book “Walking With Jesus on Campus: How to Care For Your Soul During College”.  

Guest Interview: Dr. Beth Robinson to discuss her book “Protecting Your Child From Predators: How to Recognize and Respond to Sexual Danger”.

Other Issues Discussed…..

I discussed an op-ed suggesting Joshua Harris made the “right decision” by renouncing Christianity rather than merely modifying it into some false counterfeit Christianity.

Op-ed explaining why Joshua Harris actually did the right thing by renouncing Christianity.

Op-ed warning against progressive “Christianity”.

Bob Dutko Show Summary – Tuesday 08 – 13 – 19

Noon-4:00 PM

First Hour – News/Politics

CNN’s Chris Cuomo has f-bomb laced meltdown at man who called him “Fredo”.

Should Chris Cuomo get “red flagged” and have his gun confiscated?

Trump ending welfare dependent immigration.

Statue of Liberty and Ellis Island never intended to welcome immigrants who couldn’t support themselves.

Kamala Harris calls Trump’s ICE raids a “campaign of terror”.

Oh wait, here’s a CNN story about Obama’s ICE raids.

Rest of the Bob Dutko Show……

Cal State University apologizes to students for promoting Border Patrol career opportunities….and offers them counseling for the trauma.

Guest Interview: Jay Schabacker to discuss his book “Scientific Challenges to Evolutionary Theory”.

Guest Interview: Lee Webb, former CBN News Correspondent and current host of “Renewing Your Mind with R.C. Sproul” to discuss their 25th anniversary.

Guest Interview: Dr. Patricia Batten to discuss her book “Parenting By Faith: What Jesus Said To Parents”.

Open Line Topic:  We discussed and debated Trump’s “Public Charge” immigration policy denying immigrants who are likely to live off the government’s welfare system, and whether this is an anti-Christian policy.