Noon-4:00 PM
First Hour – News/Politics
Bernie Sanders vows to wipe
out all student debt.
Communist Party USA growing thanks to 2020 Democrats.
House Democrats going after Kellyanne Conway of bogus “Hatch Act” charges.
House Republicans demand hearings after Hillary’s “security incidents”
Study confirms Networks are hiding the extremist views of 2020 candidates.
Rest of the Bob Dutko Show……
I discussed some new research showing that school shooting deaths would be reduced if teachers were allowed to be armed.
Guest Interview: Dr. Paul Brownback to discuss his book “How to Succeed as CEO of Your Life: 12 Spiritual Principles I Wish I Had Learned Long Ago”.
Guest Interview: Best Selling “Birth Order Book” author Dr. Kevin Leman to discuss his latest book “The Intimate Connection: Secrets to a Lifelong Romance”.
Open Line Topic: we discussed a Christian response to the growing claim that our smartphones are secretly listening into our private conversations and targeting us with appropriate ads.